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So, I says to myself,
Date: 6/14/15 10:25 pm

I admit, ever since I played through Halo 4, my enthusiasm for the franchise has been steadily diminishing. I really hated the story, art design, yadda yadda yadda. I'll skip the details since it's nothing we haven't heard a thousand times before.

As a direct consequence of this, I lost track of the EU stuff that was going on and kinda just ignored the news announcements concerning 343i and Halo as a whole. Until a few days ago.

A few days ago, Game Informer and 343i came out with some promotional art for Halo 5: Guardians. It was some pretty cool stuff, but one image grabbed my attention immediately.

THIS image:
 photo Buck_Halo_5_zpsep8qh0tp.jpg

Now, like most of you, I heard some rumors that our favorite ODST was making a return to a full game, but this was the first real confirmation (for me anyway) that it was true. It was like a revelation! I LOVED ODST. Nathan Fillion is one of my favorite actors! He was gonna have a big roll in H5? Well by gosh and by golly count me in!

I began to get excited for Halo 5, I looked up some more promotional images and the like. Read an interview or two. And it wasn't long before I thought that maybe I should start catching up on all the EU I'd missed. So, I says to myself, what can I get a hold of TODAY to help sate my renewed Halo craving? Ah! I never did get around to watching that Nightfall show, I bet I could find it online! Lo and behold, a couple of touchpad clicks later and boom, opening credits.

It has now been about 2 hours since I clicked play. I am almost back to my pre-Buck-art levels of hype for Halo. Now, again, I won't yak your ears off with all the things that were awful (so, so awful) about Nightfall. I'll simply state that I didn't enjoy it.

As it sits now:

I'm mildly excited for Halo 5: Guardians.
I don't like Locke's character, and am unsympathetic towards him.
Buck is awesome!
Buck is a Spartan IV?!
:( :( :( :,(
I still want to catch up on the EU. Kinda.

The last Halo-book I read was Travissessesssess Glasslands, and I was less than enthused. So I'm tentative about jumping straight in again. Nightfall was pretty darn bad, but I've heard good things about this Hunt The Truth radio drama?

I guess what I'm asking is whether or not anybody has any insight into where I should start up again?
Is my hope in Halo 5: Guardians (that's gonna get tiring) misplaced? Am I dumb and are my opinions dumb?

Tell me your words!

Messages In This Thread

So, I says to myself,Chewbaccawakka6/14/15 10:25 pm
     Re: So, I says to myself,Revenant19886/14/15 10:42 pm
     Re: So, I says to myself,zofinda6/14/15 10:43 pm
           Re: So, I says to myself,zofinda6/14/15 10:45 pm
           Pretty much thisMetalingus6276/14/15 11:38 pm
                 The end of negativityBounce-A-Gon6/14/15 11:48 pm
                       Re: The end of negativityMetalingus6276/14/15 11:53 pm
     Re: So, I says to myself,serpx6/15/15 1:19 am
           Couple additionsGrizzlei6/15/15 1:26 am
     Buck still has black, dirty looking ears. *NM*Captain Spark6/15/15 7:52 am
     Re: So, I says to myself,General Vagueness6/15/15 5:00 pm
           Re: So, I says to myself,General Vagueness6/15/15 5:17 pm

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