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Re: Episode #13: In the Bag
By:General Vagueness
Date: 6/14/15 10:00 pm
In Response To: Episode #13: In the Bag (Grizzlei)

First of all, what a fucking ending. Cedar Point has nothing on this roller coaster.
Now that this segment of it is done, I'll say I still don't think he was expected to do a bland hero-worship story. The setup and follow-through still seem too sloppy to me. To be honest, I really hope it's more than it seems, because otherwise it means 343i stretched believability too much, and I just want them to do something without major flaws already, but I think the amount of things pointing to this being planned is enough to make a case. We have:

  • the absence of boxing on Elysium II that anyone could find out about

  • supposed real-life friends of the Chief pointing out inconsistencies

  • the fact Ben and Ray were able to get any records relating to the Chief, let alone as much as they did

  • fake insurrectionist activity on Elysium II that wasn't hard to deny

  • a liar that slipped because of one late-night call

  • the way Mshak could hack it so Ben and "Walker" would be on the same flight and not have it be reverted

  • Walker playing a near-perfect "oh fuck he caught me" after he was noticed instead of giving a better explanation or pretending to not notice or be someone else

  • the two guys that cleaned up afterwards talking about the subterfuge and not checking for and sanitizing his comm pad

  • Ben being able to move and communicate so freely for so long

  • the former ODST possibly being a plant

  • an information cache that really looks like bait now

  • all of this happening around the same time as peace talks that ONI may not be in favor of that are ostensibly also a terrorist target (more explanation)
  • What I'm thinking of is a bigger engineered story. What's grabbing me right now is hidden intent. Even though Ben still seemed convinced the ODST was legitimate, he said flat-out he was a plant. If he was a plant that implies Mshak, who brought him to Ben, is also not on the up-and-up. That makes his hack easier to swallow because it wasn't really a hack. If the hack was fake it backs up the whole series of verbal exchanges-- before and after Ben was unconscious-- being intentional.

    The question is, why would they let out so many genuine details that would give people reason to doubt through Ben's ongoing audio diary? I have three theories.
    For one, they could have a longer plan for all or most of the pieces of the truth to come to light, and this is step one-- getting them out there and getting people talking-- and next they'll respond accordingly and let one or two things be confirmed, or maybe decide not to let anything be confirmed. Another theory is that they could be fighting things they knew were leaking anyway or going to leak, and setting up some pins so they could publicly knock them down and discredit the stories. The last theory is this is all to sort of paper over what happened on Biko (whatever their real intentions were) and reinforce the Master Chief as a hero, and by extension make the Spartan-IIs and the whole Spartan program continue to look good.

    What do you guys think?

    Messages In This Thread

    Hunt the Truth #12: Full PayloadGrizzlei6/14/15 5:04 pm
         Episode #13: In the BagGrizzlei6/14/15 5:06 pm
               *SPOILERS* *IMG*Jaydee6/14/15 5:51 pm
                     *ACTUAL IMG*Jaydee6/14/15 5:52 pm
                     A New HopeGrizzlei6/14/15 5:54 pm
                           Re: A New HopeVAVA Mk26/14/15 6:00 pm
                           Re: A New Hopeasa6/14/15 6:29 pm
                                 Re: A New HopeGrizzlei6/14/15 6:32 pm
                                       Re: A New HopeApollo6/14/15 7:10 pm
                                             Re: A New HopeGrizzlei6/14/15 7:16 pm
                                                   Re: A New HopeApollo6/14/15 9:43 pm
                                                         Re: A New Hopedavidfuchs6/14/15 11:25 pm
               Re: Episode #13: In the BagGeneral Vagueness6/14/15 10:00 pm
                     Re: Episode #13: In the Bag *NM*davidfuchs6/14/15 11:31 pm
                     Or, ONI has a Snowden problemLawnmower1726/14/15 11:38 pm
               Re: Episode #13: In the BagArchilen6/14/15 11:56 pm
               Re: Episode #13: In the Bagarithmomaniac6/15/15 10:45 pm
                     Re: Episode #13: In the BagGeneral Vagueness6/15/15 11:43 pm
                           SameCar156/16/15 1:07 am
                           Re: Episode #13: In the BagArithmomaniac6/16/15 12:28 pm
                                 Re: Episode #13: In the BagArithmomaniac6/16/15 12:30 pm
                                 Re: Episode #13: In the BagGeneral Vagueness6/16/15 2:16 pm
                                       Re: Episode #13: In the Baguberfoop6/16/15 2:42 pm
                                       Re: Episode #13: In the BagArithmomaniac6/16/15 7:42 pm
         Re: Hunt the Truth #12: Full Payload *SP*Urban Reflex6/14/15 6:02 pm
               Re: Hunt the Truth #12: Full Payload *SP*Grizzlei6/14/15 6:07 pm
         Re: Hunt the Truth #12: Full Payloadserpx6/14/15 6:14 pm
         OMG *SP*Car156/15/15 2:41 am
         Re: Hunt the Truth #12: Full Payloadthebruce06/15/15 9:28 am
               Re: Hunt the Truth #12: Full PayloadGeneral Vagueness6/15/15 3:59 pm
                     Excellent. *NM*thebruce06/15/15 6:02 pm

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