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ONI: Tragic Heroes
Date: 5/25/15 12:18 pm
In Response To: Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV* (VAVA Mk2)

: I guess that is open to interpretation. The fact that ONI wants to keep the
: Sangheili in constant civil war with each other and does not want a treaty
: of peace with the hole race just strikes me as ONI being nuts. They are
: getting out of control it seems ever since the war ended and their grasp
: on Forerunner tech (thanks to ONIRF Trevelyan) has greatly increased their
: dominance in the galaxy. In just a few short years after the Halo even,
: humanity has gone from near extinct to a rising super-power like the
: Didact predicted. It is kinda scary how fast things are turning around and
: based on reading how far Covenant tech has advanced over eons in Broken
: Circle, it is scary to see how fast humanity has adopted Forerunner tech
: and progressed in such a short period of time vs the member races of the
: Covenant poorly advancing what tech they have had access to for millenia.

: I guess that is open to interpretation. The fact that ONI wants to keep the
: Sangheili in constant civil war with each other and does not want a treaty
: of peace with the hole race just strikes me as ONI being nuts. They are
: getting out of control it seems ever since the war ended and their grasp
: on Forerunner tech (thanks to ONIRF Trevelyan) has greatly increased their
: dominance in the galaxy. In just a few short years after the Halo even,
: humanity has gone from near extinct to a rising super-power like the
: Didact predicted. It is kinda scary how fast things are turning around and
: based on reading how far Covenant tech has advanced over eons in Broken
: Circle, it is scary to see how fast humanity has adopted Forerunner tech
: and progressed in such a short period of time vs the member races of the
: Covenant poorly advancing what tech they have had access to for millenia.

I can definitely see ONI's side in all this. After all, they greenlit Halsey's Spartans because they thought as she did—they saw endless civil war with millions dead as the result unless they used alternative means of control beyond the conventional military.

At the same time, while I agree with ONI’s goals, their methods leave a lot to be desired, especially since they are carried out with a level of arrogance that proves self-destructive—even if you’re selfish and consider humanity’s peace and security more important than that of the Elites, their entire plan to arm the dissident Sangheili was directly responsible for the creation of the Storm faction of Covenant, which caused a whole other bag of hurt and indirectly turned the events of Halo 4 into a shitshow.

It’s easy to see where all this could have started with noble intentions, but paranoia, a certain measure of arrogance, and “clear thinking” without empathy can turn you into a monster before you realize it.

It does make me wonder what the situation is actually going to be with Halo 5. Will this unrest just be a backdrop or will humanity be back into full-on insurrection mode just like back before the Covenant, and players will be dropped into that chaos while hunting for Chief or doing whatever Chief is doing?

Messages In This Thread

HTT 09Urban Reflex5/24/15 4:52 pm
     Re: HTT 09VAVA Mk25/24/15 6:00 pm
           *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Jaydee5/24/15 6:29 pm
                 Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Grizzlei5/24/15 6:42 pm
                       Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*General Vagueness5/24/15 7:27 pm
                             Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*General Vagueness5/24/15 7:41 pm
                                   Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Grizzlei5/24/15 8:17 pm
                             Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Grizzlei5/24/15 8:10 pm
                                   Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*General Vagueness5/25/15 1:41 pm
                       Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Apollo5/24/15 8:44 pm
                 Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*asa5/24/15 6:51 pm
                 Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*VAVA Mk25/24/15 8:10 pm
                       Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Bounce-A-Gon5/24/15 9:17 pm
                             Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*VAVA Mk25/24/15 11:42 pm
                                   ONI: Tragic Heroesdavidfuchs5/25/15 12:18 pm
                                         Re: ONI: Tragic Heroesyakaman5/26/15 10:04 am
                                               i want to fight the N.C.A aka the bad guys *NM*Bounce-A-Gon5/26/15 10:17 am
                                               Re: ONI: Tragic Heroesdavidfuchs5/26/15 11:08 am
                                                     Re: ONI: Tragic Heroesthebruce05/26/15 2:21 pm

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