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By:General Vagueness
Date: 5/24/15 7:27 pm
In Response To: Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV* (Grizzlei)

: Hunt the Truth is really grounding Halo as a medium to highlight current
: issues and I couldn't be more thrilled.

I really don't think it's supposed to parallel anything current or recent beyond surface details. It's hard to see Microsoft taking sides on anything but the most one-sided things because the bland route is the safe route and the safe route is the profitable route.

: The best part is that people in the community are taking notice and reflecting
: on what's not only going on in the Haloverse, but in our own world as well.
: Colonialism, corruption, surveillance, and many other issues we face today
: are all presented with a truly pleasing nuance.

Really? Creating discussion is good, but the presentation doesn't seem very nuanced to me. ONI is clearly doing bad things and doing them to maintain control, without even any apparent pretense to doing The Right Thing®, which people always fall back on (either that or "I was following orders")-- but then we've hardly heard from them in this, so who knows what they're thinking.

: #TeamFuckEarth

...except it's not Earth, is it? It's the general central government that happens to be centered on our solar system and particularly on Earth. ...except it's not the government, it's the military, the UNSC. ...except, even then, it's not so much the UNSC as it is the Office of Naval Intelligence. The people who are propelling this even trust the Earth government to some degree, otherwise they wouldn't bother trying to convince them of anything.

Messages In This Thread

HTT 09Urban Reflex5/24/15 4:52 pm
     Re: HTT 09VAVA Mk25/24/15 6:00 pm
           *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Jaydee5/24/15 6:29 pm
                 Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Grizzlei5/24/15 6:42 pm
                       Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*General Vagueness5/24/15 7:27 pm
                             Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*General Vagueness5/24/15 7:41 pm
                                   Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Grizzlei5/24/15 8:17 pm
                             Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Grizzlei5/24/15 8:10 pm
                                   Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*General Vagueness5/25/15 1:41 pm
                       Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Apollo5/24/15 8:44 pm
                 Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*asa5/24/15 6:51 pm
                 Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*VAVA Mk25/24/15 8:10 pm
                       Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Bounce-A-Gon5/24/15 9:17 pm
                             Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*VAVA Mk25/24/15 11:42 pm
                                   ONI: Tragic Heroesdavidfuchs5/25/15 12:18 pm
                                         Re: ONI: Tragic Heroesyakaman5/26/15 10:04 am
                                               i want to fight the N.C.A aka the bad guys *NM*Bounce-A-Gon5/26/15 10:17 am
                                               Re: ONI: Tragic Heroesdavidfuchs5/26/15 11:08 am
                                                     Re: ONI: Tragic Heroesthebruce05/26/15 2:21 pm

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