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By:General Vagueness
Date: 5/24/15 7:41 pm
In Response To: Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV* (General Vagueness)

: Really? Creating discussion is good, but the presentation doesn't seem very
: nuanced to me. ONI is clearly doing bad things and doing them to maintain
: control, without even any apparent pretense to doing The Right Thing®,
: which people always fall back on (either that or "I was following
: orders")-- but then we've hardly heard from them in this, so who
: knows what they're thinking.

Thinking about this some more, there was a lot of stuff about what the insurrectionists did and how they were bad, so there is an attempt at showing different sides I guess, but it doesn't feel like nuance so much oppressive power A and oppressive power B.

Messages In This Thread

HTT 09Urban Reflex5/24/15 4:52 pm
     Re: HTT 09VAVA Mk25/24/15 6:00 pm
           *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Jaydee5/24/15 6:29 pm
                 Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Grizzlei5/24/15 6:42 pm
                       Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*General Vagueness5/24/15 7:27 pm
                             Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*General Vagueness5/24/15 7:41 pm
                                   Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Grizzlei5/24/15 8:17 pm
                             Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Grizzlei5/24/15 8:10 pm
                                   Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*General Vagueness5/25/15 1:41 pm
                       Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Apollo5/24/15 8:44 pm
                 Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*asa5/24/15 6:51 pm
                 Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*VAVA Mk25/24/15 8:10 pm
                       Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*Bounce-A-Gon5/24/15 9:17 pm
                             Re: *SPOILERS ^^ VV*VAVA Mk25/24/15 11:42 pm
                                   ONI: Tragic Heroesdavidfuchs5/25/15 12:18 pm
                                         Re: ONI: Tragic Heroesyakaman5/26/15 10:04 am
                                               i want to fight the N.C.A aka the bad guys *NM*Bounce-A-Gon5/26/15 10:17 am
                                               Re: ONI: Tragic Heroesdavidfuchs5/26/15 11:08 am
                                                     Re: ONI: Tragic Heroesthebruce05/26/15 2:21 pm

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