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Map - Trenzalore
Date: 5/24/15 4:44 am

Map Name: Trenzalore
Version: 3.5
Players: 2-12 (up to 16 is optional)
Supported Gametypes: Slayer & CTF
Recommended Gametypes: Slayer or 4 Team CTF
FFA Spawns: Yes. Up to 16 players supported.
Team Spawns: Yes. 2-4 teams supported

This is a re-imagining of my Last Forger Standing map called Sapien (Halo Reach). It's a bit bigger then it's predecessor. Because the terrain had to be build from scratch, it also has more objects on it. The map supports up to 4 teams and 12 players (16 if you feel risky).

The map layout is similar to Midship but far from it. Red and Blue base face one another with field of view blocked by the center platform (purple).
-EDIT- R&B bases have simple building layouts. The primary section are round with monr, but effective, cover. Attached to each base is a simple 2 story tower that leads to a walkway, up to to Yellow. There are multiple routes to the R&B bases via ramps and rock jumps. The main for of each base houses a Battle Riffle and a Precision SMG. Outside of the base, players will find a single Mongoose.

Yellow base has not changed much from it's original format. It's a two level system with a lift on either side to the 2nd floor and a drop in the top center back down. The biggest change to Yellow base are the gates. A set of primary gate replace the predecessor's window. This gate can be opened from the bottom of Purple platform, which also spawns a man cannon access point through the gate. This gate can be closed from the second floor of Yellow. Also on first floor is a toggled gate that grants access to a one way teleporter. This teleporter takes players to Green base where the gate can be closed (but not opened). Yellow base houses the Rocket Launcher on the second floor.

Green base is the simplest of the structures. Designed to look reminiscent of a Forerunner structure from Halo: CE, this base has a long ramp on either side that leads up to the back of the structure. At the top is players will find a Sniper Rifle and the best vantage spot on the map. Top center of Green base is the actual base structure. Simple in design and yet very useful for quick cover. At the top-front of Green, players will locate the exit teleporter and it's switch. Here, players have almost full line of sight to the top of Purple.

The Purple platform is the primary draw of the map, though this is mostly for movement convenience. R&B bases have quick access to the top of Purple via man cannons. The top center of Purple houses a center structure that's home to a Energy Sword. This center structure is designed to allow free movement for players while also blocking light of sight between Yellow and Green bases. Both Y&G bases are connected to the top of Purple with bridges. However, Green's bridge has taken damage and has fallen. But it only takes a few jumps to get across the fallen bridge.
-EDIT- The bottom of Purple is where players will locate the switch to Yellow's primary gate. But you must move fast if you wish to cross before they despawn the lift and close the gate. This switch is located in the middle of a simple water fountain. Activating the switch now spawns a flashing yellow light to draw attention to the opening gate.

Between Purple and R&B bases (and toward Green) are two story buildings (Orange). Each of these buildings house a Sentinel Beam on top and minor cover.

Trenzalore (2.0) - The base version of the map.

Trenzalore (3.5) - This version provides Green team with a different aesthetic (and metallic) structure at the top of their base. Yellow's Teleporter switch activates a EMP burst from this tower and sends out a beacon to the sky. The beacon is a constant reminder that the teleporters are active. If deactivated, the beacon vanishes until activated again.
Please Note: This version of the map has reached it's count limit and may cause lag with 16 players. Zero lag was experienced with 8 players present.

Images of map layout, with weapon placement, and run through video coming soon.

1) To download this map, add "SEspider" on Xbox Live as a friend.
2) At the menu screen, press start, then enter Leaderboards
3) Enter Halo" CE campaign's Time Leaderboard, set to Easy, and search for Friends Only mode.
4) Locate SEspider, click the name and then click FileShare.
5) Download Map(s)


Messages In This Thread

Map - TrenzaloreSEspider5/24/15 4:44 am
     Re: Map - TrenzaloreHyokin5/24/15 2:39 pm
           Re: Map - TrenzaloreSEspider5/24/15 10:46 pm
                 Re: Map - TrenzaloreHyokin5/24/15 11:39 pm
                       Re: Map - TrenzaloreSEspider5/26/15 9:48 am
                             Re: Map - TrenzaloreHyokin5/26/15 3:06 pm
                                   - Trenzalore Video Map TourSEspider5/29/15 11:48 am

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