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Re: I haven't watched it myself but...
By:Nikko B201
Date: 12/1/14 6:35 pm
In Response To: Re: I haven't watched it myself but... (avatarofchaos)

: Assumptions are being made that statis refrigerant is only used in explosive
: bombs and has absolutely no other uses. We're relying on spoken word from
: a soldier, who like us, makes statements that aren't 100% truth sometimes
: because they're lying and other times because they're imperfect narrators
: who have a more limited view of the situation than the viewer/gamer.

: What's occuring here is working on multiple levels. ONI intercepted a lead
: about Axl and Sedra and dispatched a team. Sedra's Colonial Guard is
: looked at as weak and their border controls are practically non-existant.
: ONI's team discovers a Zealot is involved in a plot involving the
: smuggling operation. They assume that there will be a bombing similar to
: when Gek tried to set off the Havok in Rio, but don't understand the
: intent. The device goes off and it doesn't do what they expect. It appears
: now that the bomb isn't a bomb and that a new weapon was just tested.

I don't see how a soldier in a universe where the primary form of stasis is by refrigerating the subject can believe that stasis refrigerant is used in bombs, especially since most military personnel in the Halo universe seem to be quite familiar with cryo (and how bombs work, for that matter - please point me at a conventional or nuclear weapon that would for any reason have a cryogenic stasis component).

I also question the part where it's not the kind of bomb they thought it was; if it's an entirely new weapon, why did it need the stasis refrigerant in the first place?

Messages In This Thread

Is anyone else eyerolling through nightfall?funkmon12/1/14 12:41 am
     Re: Is anyone else eyerolling through nightfall?Douglas12/1/14 1:43 am
     I haven't watched it myself but...Nikko B20112/1/14 5:31 am
           Re: I haven't watched it myself but...avatarofchaos12/1/14 3:39 pm
                 Re: I haven't watched it myself but...Nikko B20112/1/14 6:35 pm
                       Re: I haven't watched it myself but...avatarofchaos12/2/14 7:09 pm
                             So what you're saying is...Nikko B20112/2/14 7:54 pm
     Re: Is anyone else eyerolling through nightfall?Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/1/14 7:29 am
           Re: Is anyone else eyerolling through nightfall?scarab12/1/14 8:40 am
     Re: Eh...Hyokin12/1/14 1:05 pm
           Re: Eh...thebruce012/1/14 2:01 pm
                 Re: Eh...Quirel12/1/14 3:25 pm
                       Re: Eh...thebruce012/1/14 6:25 pm
           Re: Eh...SEspider12/1/14 6:18 pm
           FUD vs NightfallDervish12/1/14 9:59 pm
     I can't get into it.serpx12/1/14 4:17 pm
     ONI Seriously Needs New Recruiting Methodszofinda12/3/14 7:40 pm
           Re: ONI Seriously Needs New Recruiting MethodsGrizzlei12/3/14 7:47 pm
           Re: ONI Seriously Needs New Recruiting Methodsuberfoop12/3/14 9:11 pm
           Re: ONI Seriously Needs New Recruiting MethodsPostmortem12/4/14 6:27 pm
                 Re: ONI Seriously Needs New Recruiting MethodsHyokin12/4/14 7:34 pm
                 Re: ONI Seriously Needs New Recruiting MethodsGrizzlei12/4/14 8:03 pm
                 Re: But extreme circumstances 'n stuff *NM*thebruce012/5/14 9:33 am
           It makes sense to me.Quirel12/5/14 4:02 am

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