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Mediocre at best
Date: 11/19/14 4:05 pm
In Response To: Halo: Nightfall ep 2, thoughts? *sp* (thebruce0)

I'm having a hard time deciding if it's just flat out bad. I was excited to see this after that trailer, but now I don't know if I even want to see anymore of it. Weak acting, terrible characterization, and I can't say I care about any of these characters. At all. I don't see that changing, especially if the writing stays this lame. And to think people scoffed when I said that Locke's acting was bad in the H2A cutscene. It is. And he's bad in this. I'm wondering if they should be grouped with everyone in H4 and blown up with the Infinity at this point, because they're more cookie cutter stock characters with no true personality or dynamic. Whoever wrote this, blah.

Messages In This Thread

Halo: Nightfall ep 2, thoughts? *sp*thebruce011/19/14 10:05 am
     Re: Halo: Nightfall ep 2, thoughts? *sp*ChrisTheeCrappy11/19/14 10:52 am
           Re: Halo: Nightfall ep 2, thoughts? *sp*Masterz133711/19/14 11:58 am
                 Re: Halo: Nightfall ep 2, thoughts? *sp*car1511/19/14 1:18 pm
                       Re: Halo: Nightfall ep 2, thoughts? *sp*zofinda11/19/14 6:13 pm
                             Re: Halo: Nightfall ep 2, thoughts? *sp*davidfuchs11/19/14 8:23 pm
                                   Re: Halo: Nightfall ep 2, thoughts? *sp*zofinda11/19/14 8:30 pm
                                         Re: Halo: Nightfall ep 2, thoughts? *sp*Grizzlei11/19/14 9:02 pm
     Mediocre at bestAvateur11/19/14 4:05 pm
           Re: Mediocre at bestdavidfuchs11/19/14 9:46 pm
                 Re: Mediocre at bestzofinda11/19/14 9:58 pm
                       Re: Mediocre at bestGrizzlei11/19/14 10:02 pm
                       Re: Mediocre at bestPostmortem11/19/14 10:39 pm
                 Re: Mediocre at bestPostmortem11/19/14 10:41 pm
           Re: Mediocre at bestserpx11/23/14 3:18 am

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