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Re: Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leak
Date: 11/9/14 4:17 pm

*long exasperated sigh*

Come on, 343... Please...

Don't do this to me.

It feels like they're just trying to follow the leader at this point. Sprinkle a bit of CoD here, a bit of Destiny there... ADS, supers... Because hey, it worked for those franchises, so it *must* be a good idea for ours too.

Why not celebrate what makes Halo great instead of watering it down to keep up with other franchises all the time?

I'm not against change. I'm against change for the sake of change. I don't even have a problem with sprint, but ADS has no place in Halo. It's not just an aesthetic thing. It changes the way the game is played at a fundamental level.

Obviously, I'll be reserving judgment until the beta launches and I get a chance to play the game for myself. Maybe ADS is just a re-skinned zoom. Josh Holmes' tweet certainly seems to indicate that.

I just wish they would include the *option* to turn this shit off for those of us that don't want it.

As far as other aspects of the leak are concerned...

* I don't mind a Locke-centric campaign as long as it's good. There are a lot of promising opportunities for mystery regarding why Master Chief has gone AWOL, why he's considered a fugitive now, and what he's planning to do. Hopefully, 343 doesn't squander those opportunities. Halo 5 could play out like a detective novel if they do a good job with it. I'm hoping for a full 8-10 hour campaign this time around as well. It probably won't happen, but I'm hoping for it. I always do...

* Given the general reaction to Destiny among hardcore Halo fans, I don't think supers are such a great idea for Halo 5.

* Sprint is fine, but as with ADS, 343 should offer an option for players to turn it off in customs. I know that was a big sticking point with Halo 4.

That's it for now. I'll be keeping an eye on this. No matter how 343 spins it, ADS doesn't look promising. Just because Destiny did it well doesn't mean that the fans want to see it in Halo.

Messages In This Thread

Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leak...munky-05811/9/14 2:38 pm
     Re: Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leakGrizzlei11/9/14 3:30 pm
           Re: Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leakmunky-05811/9/14 3:34 pm
           Re: Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leakQuirel11/10/14 3:36 pm
                 Re: Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leakGrizzlei11/10/14 3:49 pm
                       Re: Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leakQuirel11/10/14 4:02 pm
     Re: Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leakcar1511/9/14 4:17 pm
     Re: Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leakMasterz133711/9/14 4:23 pm
           Re: Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leakRC Master11/9/14 8:04 pm
                 Re: Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leakArteenEsben11/9/14 8:33 pm
     Re: Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leakGravemind11/9/14 4:47 pm
           Re: Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leakGeneral Vagueness11/9/14 6:43 pm
           Re: Interesting thoughts regarding the Halo 5 leakGravemind11/10/14 2:01 am
     As long as they still have bloom, I'm good *NM*General Vagueness11/9/14 4:53 pm
     Well....serpx11/9/14 5:40 pm

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