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Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan Assaul
Date: 10/17/14 2:53 pm

: Kestrel probably doesn't operate at a high enough altitude or speed to
: necessitate a canopy. Which is saying nothing about protecting the cockpit
: and the fleshy meatbag within from small arms fire.

So it flies, but it can't fly well. It has less crew protection than a Ghost. It relies on big, exposed fans with thin little blades when the enemy deploys plasma weapons.

See, this is what I'm getting stuck on. It's big, it's showy, it's completely impractical, and I'm at a loss for why the UNSC would deploy it.

And really, it looks like it functions identically to the Ghost, maybe with the Chopper's guns. I'm getting real tired of duplicates in Halo's arsenal, and I don't see why the UNSC should have a Ghost equivalent. If a heavier-hitting Ghost is desirable, why not a Ghost variant with concussion rifles in place of plasma cannons?

Messages In This Thread

Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan Assault 2)gamerguy200210/15/14 1:09 pm
     Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan Assaulbreitzen10/15/14 1:34 pm
           Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulMasterz133710/15/14 1:43 pm
                 Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan Assaulbreitzen10/15/14 4:04 pm
           Re: PrometheansDocument10/16/14 3:33 pm
     Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulGrizzlei10/15/14 2:03 pm
     Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulQuirel10/15/14 3:02 pm
           Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulMasterz133710/16/14 8:09 am
                 Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulQuirel10/16/14 3:48 pm
                       Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulMasterz133710/16/14 4:12 pm
                             Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulQuirel10/16/14 4:39 pm
                                   Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulGrizzlei10/17/14 2:12 am
                                         Trailer!gamerguy200210/17/14 9:30 am
                                         Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulQuirel10/17/14 2:53 pm
                                               Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulGrizzlei10/17/14 3:39 pm
                                                     Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulQuirel10/17/14 4:30 pm
           Re: Spartan IVs and PrometheansDocument10/16/14 3:55 pm
     Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulSIX min WHISTLE10/15/14 7:41 pm
     Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulArteenEsben10/15/14 9:22 pm
           Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan Assaulgamerguy200210/16/14 12:43 am
                 Re: Halo: Spartan Stike announced! (Spartan AssaulTDSpiral10/16/14 2:24 am

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