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Re: For the tl;dr-ers
Date: 7/15/14 12:44 pm
In Response To: Re: For the tl;dr-ers (Postmortem)

: I like it because it makes them more important in the cosmic scheme of
: things... rather than just some bratty kids that were born with perfect
: everything coincidentally. :P

I don't think it ever needed to be addressed. Given 20+ billion human beings around the inception of the Spartan II project, a number of individuals with the requisite age, intelligence, and athletic ability are bound to be present.

One of my pet peeves about Spartan fans is that they keep talking about the Spartan's 'superior genetics' or 'perfect genes'. Superior how? Perfect how? The biggest selection criterion for the candidates would have been "Does this individual have the physiology needed to survive the augmentation process and use the upgrades we give them?"

Genetics are just raw material. Without the Spartan II program, the Spartan candidates may have become the next Otto von Bismarck, but they might also have squandered that potential as drifters or social workers. Halsey and her cohorts stole the Spartan's free agency, but in return those Spartans were leveraged to their ultimate potential, made more human than human.

And, I guess that's what I dislike about the Librarian's Geas. It removes that conflict entirely by removing everyone's agency. Nobody ponders the morality of marionettes.

Messages In This Thread

Catalog on WaypointCINCL7/8/14 11:21 pm
     Re: Catalog on WaypointRevenant19887/8/14 11:33 pm
     Re: Catalog on WaypointGrizzlei7/9/14 12:48 am
           Re: Catalog on WaypointCINCL7/9/14 2:44 am
                 Re: Catalog on WaypointGrizzlei7/9/14 2:54 am
     I LOVE this stuff, thanks for the heads up! *NM*Apollo7/9/14 2:24 am
           Re: I LOVE this stuff, thanks for the heads up!zofinda7/9/14 4:01 pm
                 For the tl;dr-erszofinda7/9/14 4:15 pm
                       Re: For the tl;dr-ersGeneral Vagueness7/14/14 4:58 pm
                             Re: For the tl;dr-erszofinda7/14/14 5:24 pm
                                   Re: For the tl;dr-ersQuirel7/14/14 5:40 pm
                                         Re: For the tl;dr-ersPostmortem7/14/14 10:08 pm
                                               Re: For the tl;dr-ersQuirel7/15/14 12:44 pm
                                                     Re: For the tl;dr-erszofinda7/15/14 4:25 pm
                                                           Re: For the tl;dr-ersQuirel7/15/14 10:42 pm
                                                           Re: For the tl;dr-ersscarab7/21/14 12:25 pm
                                   Re: For the tl;dr-ersGeneral Vagueness7/17/14 1:23 pm
                       Originally there was no separationscarab7/21/14 12:15 pm
                             linkscarab7/21/14 12:19 pm
                                   OMG Thank you for linking this.The Lionheart7/21/14 4:31 pm
                                         OK :-)scarab7/21/14 5:55 pm
                                               Re: OK :-)The Lionheart7/21/14 8:45 pm
                             I remember nowscarab7/21/14 5:54 pm
                 Re: I LOVE this stuff, thanks for the heads up!Grizzlei7/9/14 8:45 pm
     Re: Catalog on WaypointDEEP NNN7/9/14 7:57 am

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