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Re: Halo5 trailer detail you may have missed.
Date: 6/13/14 1:10 pm
In Response To: Halo5 trailer detail you may have missed. (SEspider)

: This inconsistency between the armors is bugging me. Had it simply been
: normal in game footage we were all use to, then I wouldn't care as much.
: But how do you have both types of armor in the same story/game and claim
: they are one and the same???????

: Thanks for reading.

Didn't Frankie say once (in the days leading up to H4) that Cortana had implemented some sort of nano-technological improvement that would affect (improve, repair) the Chief's armor?

I think so. Anyway, you'd need such a McGuffin to explain how the Chief's armor magically holds up while he's in the wild.

Messages In This Thread

Halo5 trailer detail you may have missed.SEspider6/12/14 10:04 pm
     Re: Halo5 trailer detail you may have missed.serpx6/12/14 10:23 pm
     Re: Halo5 trailer detail you may have missed.ZackDark6/12/14 11:03 pm
     Aliens.uberfoop6/12/14 11:10 pm
           Not gonna lie, I lol'd *NM*kornman006/13/14 3:01 pm
     Re: Halo5 trailer detail you may have missed.yakaman6/13/14 1:10 pm

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