Re: Well I'm torn. How's everyone else doing?
: Really, my only hope to play Halo 1 MP on
: any kind of regular basis would be if 343I re-released Halo 1 with online
: MP over XBL. Those hopes were dashed when HCEA was released in 2011, but
: now against all odds we're finally getting it. To me, that alone is enough
: justification to go buy an XBO sooner rather than much later. While I'm
: kinda bummed that Halo 2 isn't having anything done to fix its most broken
: aspects — I'm not looking forward to dealing with superbouncing, BXR-ing
: assholes in MM, so I'll think I'll stick to customs — having Halo 1 MP on
: XBL for the first time ever more than makes up for it.
Get ready, because Halo 1 has even more online issues than H2. H2 had no game breaking problems by the time it went offline because it had been patched so many times.