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Re: Escalation #5... *SP*
Date: 4/23/14 6:56 pm
In Response To: Re: Escalation #5... *SP* (GrimBrother One)

: Also really loving this side of things. Petra was already awesome in my book
: after her self-titled album at the end of Halo: First Strike , but now
: seeing her in the "flesh"... Yes please.


: I feel like a proper glassing beam would cook the hell out of energy
: shielding pretty quick.

Yeah, maybe. I'm not all that scientifically inclined I just found it really weird that it wasted the shields so quickly and even went through the other side of the ship. Like dear god no wonder the navy got its butt kicked so much during the war.

: Grim

What's so grim that you're referring to?

Messages In This Thread

Escalation #5...GrimBrother One4/23/14 9:44 am
     Re: Escalation #5... *SP*TDSpiral4/23/14 12:56 pm
           Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Urban Reflex4/23/14 1:29 pm
                 Re: Escalation #5... *SP*TDSpiral4/23/14 2:08 pm
                 Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Grizzlei4/23/14 2:10 pm
           Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Grizzlei4/23/14 2:04 pm
                 Re: Escalation #5... *SP*GrimBrother One4/23/14 4:17 pm
                       Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Grizzlei4/23/14 6:56 pm
                             Re: Escalation #5... *SP*GrimBrother One4/23/14 10:07 pm
                                   Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Grizzlei4/23/14 10:16 pm
                             Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Arithmomaniac4/24/14 6:11 pm
                                   Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Arithmomaniac4/25/14 9:25 am
           Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Stephen L. (SoundEffect)4/23/14 5:23 pm
                 Re: Escalation #5... *SP*davidfuchs4/24/14 12:01 am
                       Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Stephen L. (SoundEffect)4/24/14 5:05 pm
                             Re: Escalation #5... *SP*davidfuchs4/24/14 5:38 pm
                                   Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Stephen L. (SoundEffect)4/24/14 9:23 pm
                                         Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Revenant19884/25/14 9:06 am
                                               Re: Escalation #5... *SP*thebruce04/25/14 9:47 am
                                   Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Quirel4/24/14 11:01 pm
                                         Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Revenant19884/25/14 9:16 am
                 Re: Escalation #5... *SP*Dervish4/26/14 10:51 pm

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