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Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)
Date: 12/17/13 9:30 am

: I understand not wanting to play modded gametypes/maps. Maps more so since
: they tend to cause lag. But I don't understand not playing modded
: gametypes after th company that MADE THE GAME says are okay. Frank and
: other 343i staff have been saying for almost a year now that we are
: allowed to play these modded games so long as we don't take them into
: matchmaking.

The Return of the Son of Lag (now playing on a console near you...)

No matter what Frankie sez, XBL can ban you for having modded material. Your contract to use XBL is with XBL, not Frankie.

I was going to make a custom theme, but someone wrote how that got them banned because it was considered modded material. Even on the front page today is a warning about modded material...

If you want to brick your 360, lag will be the least of your problems.

Messages In This Thread

Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)General Vagueness12/12/13 2:51 am
     Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)General Vagueness12/13/13 5:01 pm
           Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)Hyokin12/13/13 6:57 pm
                 Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)General Vagueness12/13/13 9:16 pm
                       Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)Hyokin12/13/13 9:31 pm
                             Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)General Vagueness12/13/13 10:45 pm
                                   Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)Hyokin12/13/13 11:16 pm
                                         Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)General Vagueness12/14/13 3:27 am
                                               Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)Hyokin12/14/13 12:03 pm
                                                     Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)General Vagueness12/14/13 9:59 pm
                                                           Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)General Vagueness12/14/13 10:25 pm
                                                                 Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)Hyokin12/15/13 12:05 am
                                                                       Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)12/15/13 11:19 am
                                                                       Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)General Vagueness12/15/13 6:20 pm
     Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)davidfuchs12/13/13 6:31 pm
     Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)SEspider12/14/13 8:41 pm
           Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)General Vagueness12/14/13 10:22 pm
                 Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)Hyokin12/15/13 12:11 am
                       Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)General Vagueness12/15/13 6:28 pm
                             Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)SEspider12/17/13 2:46 am
                                   Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)Fear_Of_Falling12/17/13 9:30 am
                                         "Custom Theme"? What's that?SEspider12/18/13 7:24 pm
                                               Re: "Custom Theme"? What's that?Fear_Of_Falling12/19/13 8:36 am
                                                     "Custom Theme"Fear_Of_Falling12/19/13 11:23 am
                                   Re: This.Hyokin12/17/13 9:34 am
                                   Re: Customs Night (Friday the 13th edition)General Vagueness12/18/13 10:24 pm

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