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Re: Are there any things Halo 4 multiplayer did ri
Date: 12/3/13 9:50 pm

Please bare w/ me as I type this. I'm using a phone and my finger tends to hit the space bar when it's meant for the N key. Also auto cap doesn't work in this forum for me.

We already know there are going to be some haters no matter what we sa. So please try to not get into a argument over silly stuff. That said, can we pleeeeeeease throw complaints about astectics out the door? Different company worked on it thus that's ALWAYS expected in games, movies, etc. Like most of you, I don't like that every Covie is scaly now nor do I like the absence of triditional grunts and jackels. These arguments have been said to death. Lets get past it. Thanks

Now on to the meat and potatoes of this thread. What did they do well with Halo4? Plenty!
Personally I LOOOOOVE that Sprint is standard. It's what we've asked for over many years. It fits the Spartan characters and stories very well. It keeps gameplay fast paced and allows players to get to weapons quickly when needed. Likewise, it allows players to flee for cover quickly. And in a game with DMRs, BRRs, & MANY other precision weapons(across map killers), sprint is clearly needed. I hope it stays. just up it cool down time it will work. Maybe give players a HUD indicator bar for it.

Rockets seem fine to me. AR is good after update (but still very under powered in close next to dmr & br). I know we can jump well but when I do, I feel like a normal human. Not a Spartan. The campaign story was excellent. Gameplay introduction of the enemies were well done. What broke campaign was the inability to fallback to regroup and reload. Weapons vanishing after 5 seconds (unless disenigrated) didn't help a bit.

I could VERY easily go into a deep list of what doesn't work. Personal Loadouts in MP being a big one. Heck, loadouts period is stupid in a Halo game. Unbalances MP waaaaaaay too much. But this is a thread on what the game did right. So I'll not make that list. Even tough I'm itching to.

I like that shooting a vehical doesn't hurt the occupants. Why should it? Vehicles need to be distructable. But once they are damaged, they do need to be harder to control/move. Doing so will balance them out where they can't own a map. Looking at you Banshees, Gausshog, & Tanks. The Mantis seems easy to take down from a distance. Drivers are always being forced back. If anything, I would make it so it's overheating is attached to both set of weapons. Meaning when it overheats/reloads one weapon, the other can't be used either. Mabe add minor vehicle tracking to it's rockets to balance out this handicap?

Ar.or Abilities greatly changed Halo. I say they should be reduced. Remove Promethian Vision, Camo, Armor Lock, and Jetpack for good as standard AAs. These AAs in particular seems to always break maps, flow, gameplay, or/& a combination of those. Many Halo players tend to jump down my neck each time I suggest their removal. But they never seem to give a good reason they should stay.

-I looooove Camo but it's just too easy to camp/hide with it as a recharging Armor Ability. Instead of being an AA, make it a temporary pick-up like the Overshield (like was originally!!).

-Jetpack breaks A LOT of maps. Players always find some way to use it to get off maps, or out maneuver players without warning. How? They hover above maps or reach otherwise unreachable areas and pick pkayers off with ease. Doesn't help that it's not at all comparable with some of the controller configurations.The use the Jetpack effectively in combat, the user must hold down the button while maneuvering the aim sticks. Something need not possible with the Bumper Jumper CC. But this is also a easy fix. If it must stay as a AA, then simply convert it into a verticle booster pack with mid to long recharge wait. Jetpack lovers can still get over players as they like to do, but they can't hover nor reach off map areas as easily/fast.

- Promethian Vision should NEVER be in MP. The ability to sneak up on players by coaching is a Halo Trademark. PV takes that away. "But it's to counter Camo users!" Not a problem if camo wasn't a rechargeable AA! Besides, we have Radar!! Camo users but out sonar that pops up on radar. You already know they are there. They are using camo, its your job to serch for them, not locate them instantly. PV should just be heat vision that DOES NOT see through walls.

- Amor Lock was removed in Halo4. Proberly due to the complaints. I believe it should have stayed but fixed. Limit it to one use per charge, allow gun fire and hits to break the lock down w/o harming the user til it drains, maybe double it's recharge time, & REMOVE THE EMP DISCHARGE!!

Told ya I was itchi g to complain about some of Halo4's faults. lol. I know there are more great things that Halo4 did right. But since I seem to not be able to keep on that track, I'll stop here and let others fill in the rest of the list.

PS: Stop Drowning Spartans!!!

Messages In This Thread

Are there any things Halo 4 multiplayer did right?Clarion12/3/13 5:52 pm
     Re: Are there any things Halo 4 multiplayer did riCody Miller12/3/13 7:32 pm
           Re: Are there any things Halo 4 multiplayer did riRC Master12/3/13 8:49 pm
           Re: Are there any things Halo 4 multiplayer did riLeviathan12/3/13 11:17 pm
                 Re: Are there any things Halo 4 multiplayer did riscarab12/4/13 6:00 am
     Re: Are there any things Halo 4 multiplayer did riDervish12/3/13 8:49 pm
           Re: Are there any things Halo 4 multiplayer did riSEspider12/3/13 10:05 pm
                 Re: Are there any things Halo 4 multiplayer did riGeneral Battuta12/4/13 12:24 am
                       Re: Are there any things Halo 4 multiplayer did riGeneral Battuta12/4/13 12:25 am
     Re: Are there any things Halo 4 multiplayer did riSEspider12/3/13 9:50 pm
           Re: Are there any things Halo 4 multiplayer did riClarion12/4/13 1:23 pm
     Re: Didn't have armor lock *NM*pete_the_duck12/4/13 2:22 pm

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