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Re: Could anyone help me with a website?
By:General Vagueness
Date: 6/3/14 2:57 pm
In Response To: Re: Could anyone help me with a website? (Solo Ono 117)

: I can't edit my posts?

Nope, it encourages thinking about what you want to say and proofreading (and there might be other reasons).

: Well sorry. Anyways I meant to extend that.
: I'm not really too offended by 90% of the posters responding with GIFs, which
: is really immature, but I would just like to give it a shot and see what I
: can do.

I was thinking it's a bit much, because you didn't really insult HBO, but looking again, they didn't really insult you; I see how it can be frustrating and seem immature, but people took what you said negatively, and...

: I can definitely write something longer than this, that isn't a problem, but
: could you explain any other difficulties?

well like I said there's the lack of specifics, but also you didn't do much besides say that and Waypoint sucked (you did say other stuff, but not much)

: To me, I just see a few problems, maybe not as many as you're talking about.
: But sorry, what are the websites that you're talking about failed?

I'm involved with Community Customs. Our website had issues and was taken down, but the bigger failure, one way or another, was that it was never that active-- a site doesn't have to have a lot of activity to be good or useful, but that's what ours was made for. I don't know much about other failed Halo sites, but in the thanks section of the credits or in the manual for Halo 1 there are some web sites, and you'll find at least half the sites don't exist any more, and, IIRC, if you look at the sites in the thanks section for Halo 2, you'll see at least a few of those aren't around any more either, and I assume these were pretty big Halo sites at the time because they were in the credits.

Messages In This Thread

Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1175/31/14 10:14 pm
     Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Pkmnrulz2405/31/14 10:18 pm
     Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Morpheus5/31/14 10:32 pm
           Re: Could anyone help me with a website?General Vagueness6/2/14 4:43 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:42 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:50 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?uberfoop6/3/14 1:59 am
                                   Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 2:22 am
                                         Re: Could anyone help me with a website?serpx6/3/14 10:11 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?General Vagueness6/3/14 2:57 pm
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?General Vagueness6/3/14 2:46 pm
     Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Revenant19886/1/14 1:35 am
           Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/2/14 2:04 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Grizzlei6/2/14 2:42 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:43 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Grizzlei6/3/14 2:52 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?uberfoop6/2/14 4:11 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:43 am
                       Oh myCARDO 8 ATL6/3/14 2:00 pm
                             Re: Oh myMacGyver106/3/14 3:38 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Pkmnrulz2406/2/14 8:10 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Hyokin6/2/14 11:33 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:40 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Louis Wu6/3/14 1:55 am
                             Here, I'll Try And Explain.Morpheus6/3/14 12:53 pm
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Revenant19886/3/14 2:03 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?MacGyver106/2/14 1:55 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Morpheus6/2/14 2:38 pm
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:42 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?TDSpiral6/2/14 4:05 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?bluerunner6/2/14 4:48 pm
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Grizzlei6/2/14 5:28 pm
                 /Thread>padraig086/2/14 5:23 pm
                       Re: /Thread>Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:45 am
                             Re: /Thread>padraig086/3/14 3:12 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/2/14 8:57 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Quirel6/3/14 12:09 am
                 HBO: We meme business. *NM*thebruce06/3/14 9:39 am
                 HBO: We're not the same. Honestly. *NM*NsU Soldier6/3/14 6:12 pm
     Okay, I figure I might as well help you a bit.UnrealCh13f6/3/14 2:27 pm
           Re: Okay, I figure I might as well help you a bit.Chewbaccawakka6/3/14 3:00 pm
                 Re: Okay, I figure I might as well help you a bit.thebruce06/3/14 3:19 pm
                 Oh My God, I Love All Of You So Much.Morpheus6/3/14 3:31 pm

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