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Re: Could anyone help me with a website?
By:Louis Wu
Date: 6/3/14 1:55 am
In Response To: Re: Could anyone help me with a website? (Solo Ono 117)

: Wow.
: So my impression is that this website isn't not only hostile but really
: sarcastic, and I don't mean any offense but you guys seem really rude.

: I'm not sure what went wrong with saying that isn't a viable
: replacement for, because that's just obvious. That doesn't even
: mean it's worse, but the two websites aren't even related.

: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
: I just came here to ask for help for this crazy ambitious plan of mine, and I
: think I was pretty nice, but you guys really don't seem very nice.

You came here and said " and are both bad now, and I want to give Halo fans a place to congregate that isn't bad." And people said "well, Halo fans congregate here..." and you said "no, that's not what I meant."

I don't know what you meant. I'm not sure it matters what you meant. You complained that two very big fan forums (millions of visitors) weren't up to your standards, whatever your standards are, and you want to make something better -but not only don't you know how to make what you want, you don't even seem to know WHAT you want.

The bottom line is, if you want to host millions of fans (not that you're going to find millions of fans who think like you do, but let's start with that as a stipulation), you're going to need far more than a little help. You're going to need a team, probably a well-paid team, and you're going to need a lot of money to host the product of that team. It seems unlikely that you have any of this. So maybe you should consider readjusting your sights a little.

Messages In This Thread

Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1175/31/14 10:14 pm
     Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Pkmnrulz2405/31/14 10:18 pm
     Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Morpheus5/31/14 10:32 pm
           Re: Could anyone help me with a website?General Vagueness6/2/14 4:43 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:42 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:50 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?uberfoop6/3/14 1:59 am
                                   Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 2:22 am
                                         Re: Could anyone help me with a website?serpx6/3/14 10:11 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?General Vagueness6/3/14 2:57 pm
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?General Vagueness6/3/14 2:46 pm
     Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Revenant19886/1/14 1:35 am
           Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/2/14 2:04 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Grizzlei6/2/14 2:42 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:43 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Grizzlei6/3/14 2:52 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?uberfoop6/2/14 4:11 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:43 am
                       Oh myCARDO 8 ATL6/3/14 2:00 pm
                             Re: Oh myMacGyver106/3/14 3:38 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Pkmnrulz2406/2/14 8:10 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Hyokin6/2/14 11:33 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:40 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Louis Wu6/3/14 1:55 am
                             Here, I'll Try And Explain.Morpheus6/3/14 12:53 pm
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Revenant19886/3/14 2:03 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?MacGyver106/2/14 1:55 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Morpheus6/2/14 2:38 pm
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:42 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?TDSpiral6/2/14 4:05 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?bluerunner6/2/14 4:48 pm
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Grizzlei6/2/14 5:28 pm
                 /Thread>padraig086/2/14 5:23 pm
                       Re: /Thread>Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:45 am
                             Re: /Thread>padraig086/3/14 3:12 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/2/14 8:57 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Quirel6/3/14 12:09 am
                 HBO: We meme business. *NM*thebruce06/3/14 9:39 am
                 HBO: We're not the same. Honestly. *NM*NsU Soldier6/3/14 6:12 pm
     Okay, I figure I might as well help you a bit.UnrealCh13f6/3/14 2:27 pm
           Re: Okay, I figure I might as well help you a bit.Chewbaccawakka6/3/14 3:00 pm
                 Re: Okay, I figure I might as well help you a bit.thebruce06/3/14 3:19 pm
                 Oh My God, I Love All Of You So Much.Morpheus6/3/14 3:31 pm

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