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Re: Could anyone help me with a website?
Date: 6/3/14 10:11 am
In Response To: Re: Could anyone help me with a website? (Solo Ono 117)

: Thank you.

: I have a different vision, but so you really mean that if I explain myself a
: bit better, it would make a difference?
: The thing is I'm not sure I would call it a fansite with what I would want to
: plan, but anyhow, nevermind that.

Lessons in sales and marketing may help you achieve any ambitions you have in life, when it comes to recruiting people to help you. Also presenting yourself more professionally may help in your messages, even when others aren't doing the same.

You need to be able to tell people exactly what the site is, in deeper details, how you envision it to function and be like, a DETAILED plan, and you have to get people excited to want to help you with the site. If you want people to invest their time, for free, they have to trust you that it won't be wasted, and it'll be for the greater good.

I use to design websites, and after reading your posts, I feel like you're uncertain on how you want this site to be made, I feel you're very inexperienced with handling projects of this magnitude, and when you say you're just thinking of having a website, I feel a lack of commitment.

Your posts don't need to be longer, they just need to be more detailed, and get one excited versus any other emotions. The public has already seen your case on this forum, so I can't promise anyone is going to bite your bait. You can try again; doesn't hurt.

Messages In This Thread

Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1175/31/14 10:14 pm
     Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Pkmnrulz2405/31/14 10:18 pm
     Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Morpheus5/31/14 10:32 pm
           Re: Could anyone help me with a website?General Vagueness6/2/14 4:43 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:42 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:50 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?uberfoop6/3/14 1:59 am
                                   Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 2:22 am
                                         Re: Could anyone help me with a website?serpx6/3/14 10:11 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?General Vagueness6/3/14 2:57 pm
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?General Vagueness6/3/14 2:46 pm
     Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Revenant19886/1/14 1:35 am
           Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/2/14 2:04 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Grizzlei6/2/14 2:42 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:43 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Grizzlei6/3/14 2:52 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?uberfoop6/2/14 4:11 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:43 am
                       Oh myCARDO 8 ATL6/3/14 2:00 pm
                             Re: Oh myMacGyver106/3/14 3:38 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Pkmnrulz2406/2/14 8:10 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Hyokin6/2/14 11:33 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:40 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Louis Wu6/3/14 1:55 am
                             Here, I'll Try And Explain.Morpheus6/3/14 12:53 pm
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Revenant19886/3/14 2:03 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?MacGyver106/2/14 1:55 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Morpheus6/2/14 2:38 pm
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:42 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?TDSpiral6/2/14 4:05 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?bluerunner6/2/14 4:48 pm
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Grizzlei6/2/14 5:28 pm
                 /Thread>padraig086/2/14 5:23 pm
                       Re: /Thread>Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:45 am
                             Re: /Thread>padraig086/3/14 3:12 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/2/14 8:57 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Quirel6/3/14 12:09 am
                 HBO: We meme business. *NM*thebruce06/3/14 9:39 am
                 HBO: We're not the same. Honestly. *NM*NsU Soldier6/3/14 6:12 pm
     Okay, I figure I might as well help you a bit.UnrealCh13f6/3/14 2:27 pm
           Re: Okay, I figure I might as well help you a bit.Chewbaccawakka6/3/14 3:00 pm
                 Re: Okay, I figure I might as well help you a bit.thebruce06/3/14 3:19 pm
                 Oh My God, I Love All Of You So Much.Morpheus6/3/14 3:31 pm

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