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Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 20 Results Posted
Date: 5/7/15 10:37 am

: As far as the orbital arches go, I actually pictured them being much more
: grandiose. In Cryptum, the human structures are described as appearing
: like "ivy growing on great trees". To me, the difference in
: scale would be more like ivy on the side of a church or library... if the
: building were then stacked on top of itself and stretched into space.
: Then, take into account that human structures at this time were also very
: grandiose, since we had achieved more understanding of science than we
: currently do, and the full scale of what I imagine should become apparent.
: Imagine whole cities like Chicago or LA dotting a massive structure that
: dwarfs them so much that they just appear like leaves, and the roads and
: massive elevators that link the cities are the tendrils of ivy itself. I
: actually have a cool image in my head where you can see all these human
: cities decorating a solid grey cliff wall... but the description would
: explain that the wall, indistinguishable as anything but a flat surface in
: the image, was actually a portion of this massive orbital arch.

: So I always pictured them being very big. Impossibly big. So big that you can
: tell just by looking at them that the laws of physics are being broken to
: keep them in place.

: As far as the general aesthetic, I'd say the silvery-gray coloring looks, but
: to me there would be more surface features. Smooth, incredibly perfect in
: geometry from a large scale, but the closer you get the more detail you
: would make out, or at the very least you'd see that the surface itself was
: every-changing, maybe not in a way that you could entirely comprehend. I
: always pictured Precursor tech looking like a cross between something
: metal and organic, kind of like a living metal. The black goo from
: Prometheus always came across as very Precursory to me. Also remember that
: when I first saw this I thought there was no way it could be anything
: but Precursor.

: But I still think you did a fantastic job. I think the orbital arch you
: showed that's made up of a lot of smaller strands/cables comes relatively
: close to at least one of my mental images.

I can definitely picture what you described and it's an interesting image. Scale is a tricky thing to portray properly anyway - while my mental image of the arches isn't quite as massive as yours I still see them as being at least a kilometer thick, probably more than that (not sure if that's apparent). If the arches or Charum Hakkor are ever illustrated in official canon, I would actually prefer the architecture (especially the human one) to be more imposing and vast, with more playing with the vertical element than I've done and perhaps less conventional structural features. And like in real cities there should be variety to the human architecture, with layers of construction laid over one another over thousands of years to create a very eclectic mishmash of styles and construction techniques.

I also like the idea of a constantly changing surface texture (I actually tried to give the impression of a somewhat liquid-like surface with the sphere in "Dawn of Man"). Things like variable reflectivity and texture or the illusion that there are some kind of impossible Lovecraftian geometries inside the surface itself would be right in line with my imaginings.

Prometheus gave me some Precursor vibes too and the Giger-style grotesque and organic aesthetic has always existed as a secondary association for me when I think of the Precursors, even though I prefer the idea of either total smoothness or just completely mind-bending geometric/dimensional trickery that may be impossible to even adequately depict.

Messages In This Thread

VTHU: Illustration Round 20Postmortem4/19/15 10:42 pm
     Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 20Archilen4/28/15 9:06 am
           Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 20Postmortem4/28/15 11:59 am
                 Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 20Archilen4/28/15 3:06 pm
                       Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 20Archilen5/3/15 3:08 pm
                             All these are cool!davidfuchs5/3/15 11:10 pm
                                   Re: All these are cool!Archilen5/4/15 12:55 am
     VTHU: Illustration Round 20 Results PostedPostmortem5/5/15 2:22 pm
           Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 20 Results PostedArchilen5/6/15 6:38 am
                 Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 20 Results PostedPostmortem5/7/15 9:35 am
                       Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 20 Results PostedArchilen5/7/15 10:37 am
                             Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 20 Results PostedMacGyver105/7/15 4:00 pm

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