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That's pretty disappointing.
Date: 2/19/15 1:40 am
In Response To: It's official. (serpx)

: Officially Promethean . Promethean Phaeton Gunship, apparently. Hopefully it
: looks way cooler outside of the MEGA Bloks.

I'd hoped 343i would've learned something from the feedback they got for the Prometheans in H4. I mean, a "Promethean Gunship" that looks like a reskinned Sparrowhawk, complete with giant jet turbines? That's like if a modern army started fielding horse-drawn chariots. Sure, it'll probably look better in the game (marginally, as 343i's Promethean designs aren't all that impressive), but I'll wager the general shape won't differ that much. In any case, something as limited and traditional as a gunship is still a massive anachronism for a civilization on the Forerunners' scale and scope, particularly since we have a pretty good idea of how they go about warfare from 343i's very own lore.

And with the little not-quite-Didact-looking figurine, it's probable we'll be seeing flesh-and-blood Prometheans as enemies too. On one hand anything is better than the impersonal blandness of the Knights, but then I don't see how you could feasibly implement a bona fide Promethean as a balanced enemy. They are these mythical warriors who evoke poetic images of ferocity and destruction on a vast scale... which does kind of shatter when the umpteenth Promethean Dropship appears to drop off a squad Promethean Riflemen, Promethean Grenadiers and a Promethean Sniper who, despite perhaps being slightly tougher than the average Elite, eventually all go down to the Chief's trusty 7.62mm NATO rounds.

Messages In This Thread

I'm calling it right now.Quirel2/17/15 4:39 am
     Re: I'm calling it right now.munky-0582/17/15 6:09 am
           Promethean Sparrowhawkscarab2/17/15 12:55 pm
     Re: I'm calling it right now.Dielectric2/17/15 6:24 am
           Re: I'm calling it right now.Dielectric2/17/15 8:59 pm
                 Forerunners are just Spartans now?scarab2/18/15 4:08 pm
     Oh, Definitely.Morpheus2/17/15 8:58 am
     Re: I'm calling it right now.Archilen2/17/15 10:17 am
           Re: I'm calling it right now.gamerguy20022/17/15 12:54 pm
                 Re: I'm calling it right now.asa2/18/15 11:21 am
     Hope not.serpx2/17/15 1:46 pm
           Re: Hope not.Quirel2/17/15 11:05 pm
     It's official.serpx2/19/15 12:26 am
           That's pretty disappointing.Archilen2/19/15 1:40 am
                 Re: That's pretty disappointing.thebruce02/19/15 12:06 pm
                       Re: That's pretty disappointing.Quirel2/19/15 2:48 pm
                             Re: That's pretty disappointing.thebruce02/19/15 3:04 pm
                                   Re: That's pretty disappointing.Quirel2/19/15 5:05 pm
                                         Re: That's pretty disappointing.thebruce02/20/15 9:16 am
                 Re: That's pretty disappointing.Hyokin2/19/15 12:48 pm

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