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Re: How can you not guess who your kids are?
Date: 2/18/15 2:53 pm

: if: children look like the father females produce eggs after a predictable
: time after intercourse then a male could guess, "I'm probably the
: father".

: The only way that the Sangheili system could work would be if Sangheili males
: were pretty dim or the two conditions above didn't hold.

What if there's a mating season? A child that sort of looks like the father but was born at the same time as a hundred other children would be hard to identify.

: How could they not hold? identifying features are inherited from the mother
: the females can store sperm until they are ready to start laying

That would work.

Messages In This Thread

Why do Sangheli get married?scarab2/17/15 3:36 pm
     Re: As the humans say...Hyokin2/17/15 4:02 pm
           Re: As the humans say...scarab2/17/15 4:19 pm
                 Re: As the humans say...zofinda2/17/15 5:24 pm
                 HU-MON? *IMG*Grizzlei2/17/15 7:28 pm
                       Re: HU-MON? *IMG*tadboz2/17/15 8:55 pm
     Because love.Azo 'Galvat2/17/15 8:10 pm
           Re: Because love.scarab2/18/15 12:47 pm
                 Re: Because love.Azo 'Galvat2/18/15 7:26 pm
     Re: Why do Sangheli get married?zofinda2/17/15 10:15 pm
           So, basically...Quirel2/18/15 2:54 pm
     How can you not guess who your kids are?scarab2/18/15 1:33 pm
           Re: How can you not guess who your kids are?Quirel2/18/15 2:53 pm
                 Re: How can you not guess who your kids are?scarab2/18/15 3:56 pm

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