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Re: Unfinished, but still amazing!
Date: 1/11/15 2:02 pm
In Response To: Unfinished, but still amazing! (Grizzlei)

: I love pre-rendered cinematics like what we've seen in Halo Wars, Halo 4, and
: now Halo 2 Anniversary, but I've always seen something really special
: about the real-time, in-game stuff we've been treated to in the past. They
: just feel a little bit more special.

: Animations that were handcrafted in what may have been a really tricky engine
: to pull off very life-like movement make it seem like the developers went
: that extra mile. It feels like their very own baby in every single way,
: not the consortium that a lot of high-profile titles are developed as
: today. So many games are beautiful in all of their own special little ways
: and it really highlights the talent of game animators, visualists, and
: others by doing in-engine stuff. I think that one of the best ways to show
: off the visual beauty of a game is to take the HUD out, allow the player
: to put down their controller, and be amazed by these feats.

: Hopefully Halo goes back to these roots more and more instead of spending
: what I'd imagine are millions on neat, visually appealing, but ultimately
: unexciting CGI cinematics.

I don't expect that we'll see prerendered be the norm for 343's output. Basically every time the Halo series has turned to Blur it's been for a specific reason.*

*Although I think doing the prerendered cutscenes for Spartan Ops was one of the problems with the mode.

Messages In This Thread

The in-engine H2A cutscenes that never weredavidfuchs1/10/15 6:12 pm
     Re: The in-engine H2A cutscenes that never wereLostSpartan9871/10/15 6:49 pm
           Re: The in-engine H2A cutscenes that never wereCody Miller1/10/15 11:14 pm
     You forgot this one, DavidBlueNinja1/10/15 7:50 pm
           BlueNinja lives! *NM*Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/10/15 8:03 pm
                 Re: BlueNinja lives!BlueNinja1/11/15 6:10 am
     Unfinished, but still amazing!Grizzlei1/11/15 9:32 am
           Re: Unfinished, but still amazing!davidfuchs1/11/15 2:02 pm
           Re: Unfinished, but still amazing!thebruce01/12/15 9:54 am

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