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Unfinished, but still amazing!
Date: 1/11/15 9:32 am
In Response To: The in-engine H2A cutscenes that never were (davidfuchs)

I love pre-rendered cinematics like what we've seen in Halo Wars, Halo 4, and now Halo 2 Anniversary, but I've always seen something really special about the real-time, in-game stuff we've been treated to in the past. They just feel a little bit more special.

Animations that were handcrafted in what may have been a really tricky engine to pull off very life-like movement make it seem like the developers went that extra mile. It feels like their very own baby in every single way, not the consortium that a lot of high-profile titles are developed as today. So many games are beautiful in all of their own special little ways and it really highlights the talent of game animators, visualists, and others by doing in-engine stuff. I think that one of the best ways to show off the visual beauty of a game is to take the HUD out, allow the player to put down their controller, and be amazed by these feats.

Hopefully Halo goes back to these roots more and more instead of spending what I'd imagine are millions on neat, visually appealing, but ultimately unexciting CGI cinematics.

Messages In This Thread

The in-engine H2A cutscenes that never weredavidfuchs1/10/15 6:12 pm
     Re: The in-engine H2A cutscenes that never wereLostSpartan9871/10/15 6:49 pm
           Re: The in-engine H2A cutscenes that never wereCody Miller1/10/15 11:14 pm
     You forgot this one, DavidBlueNinja1/10/15 7:50 pm
           BlueNinja lives! *NM*Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/10/15 8:03 pm
                 Re: BlueNinja lives!BlueNinja1/11/15 6:10 am
     Unfinished, but still amazing!Grizzlei1/11/15 9:32 am
           Re: Unfinished, but still amazing!davidfuchs1/11/15 2:02 pm
           Re: Unfinished, but still amazing!thebruce01/12/15 9:54 am

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