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Re: Week 2 Impressions
Date: 1/5/15 5:49 pm
In Response To: Re: Week 2 Impressions (serpx)

: I really recommend playing the game though for a full judgment. I was super
: skeptical on how it'd feel/play, but it's definitely WAY more fun than I
: thought, and it feels like a Halo game to me.

: I wish one would elaborate on how it doesn't feel/look like Halo. I haven't
: felt this much Halo since Halo 1. All of our definitions appear to vary.

Opinions for this topic does seem to vary quite a bit. For those that think H5 doesn’t feel like Halo, would you say that H5 feels more similar to games x, y, and z? Does it feel more like a halo game but somehow it just misses the pure halo feel? Maybe it feels like a completely new game in itself. I don't play many other games and determining how the differences between Halo and games x, y, and z is diminishing over time is somewhat lost on me. I just wonder if this plays into the interpretation at all.

Last night I played one game of H2A (which I am a big fan of for full disclosure) in between H5 games and really missed the movement. H2A was obviously more sluggish, but the predictability associated with encounters in H2A (and previous halos) stands out the most. To some extent the less predictable nature due to increased movement abilities is frustrating when an enemy eludes what I consider to be their certain demise, but this does not make the game inherently feel anti-halo to me.

I am curious as to the specific reasons why the gameplay doesn't feel like Halo. I won't be surprised if people say it's the shorter life span, or the added movement. I would be surprised if other items which have gotten much attention like kill-cams, spartan chatter, and dude-bro animations are tagged as diminishing peoples experiences. I know we can clearly do without them, but I don’t consider them to be core elements of the game I am playing. I do think the thruster can lead to a gears of war feeling when in a long range gun fight since you can quickly pop into cover, but that does not change the overall picture for me.

Messages In This Thread

Halo 5 Beta Impressionskidtsunami12/31/14 11:45 am
     Re: Halo 5 Beta Impressionssnakegriffin12/31/14 1:11 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta Impressionsasa12/31/14 1:12 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta Impressionsgamerguy200212/31/14 2:07 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta Impressionsserpx12/31/14 3:26 pm
     Re: My thoughts.Hyokin12/31/14 3:43 pm
     I think the controls need to be less clutteredTDSpiral12/31/14 4:26 pm
           Re: I think the controls need to be less clutteredsnakegriffin12/31/14 5:09 pm
                 Re: I think the controls need to be less clutteredHyokin12/31/14 6:25 pm
                       Flinch is dead.gamerguy20021/1/15 12:55 am
                       Re: I think the controls need to be less cluttered}SoC{BrownSound1/1/15 1:58 pm
                             Re: I think the controls need to be less clutteredHyokin1/1/15 3:24 pm
                             Re: I think the controls need to be less clutteredserpx1/1/15 3:56 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta ImpressionsDrdoctor1/1/15 11:30 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta Impressionsmelee1/3/15 11:17 am
     Can't say I'm a fan.Gravemind1/4/15 8:45 pm
     Week 2 Impressionsserpx1/4/15 9:05 pm
           Would love to hear everyone's Week 2 impressions! *NM*serpx1/4/15 9:05 pm
                 My Week 2 impressionsCody Miller1/4/15 9:52 pm
                 Re: Would love to hear everyone's Week 2 impressioJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/4/15 10:42 pm
           Re: Week 2 ImpressionsArteenEsben1/4/15 11:05 pm
                 Re: Week 2 Impressionsthebruce01/5/15 9:33 am
                       Re: Week 2 Impressionsserpx1/5/15 12:35 pm
                             Re: Week 2 Impressionsmelee1/5/15 5:49 pm
                             Re: Week 2 ImpressionsArteenEsben1/6/15 6:08 pm
           Re: Week 2 ImpressionsThe BS Police1/5/15 8:28 am
           Re: Week 2 Impressionskidtsunami1/5/15 11:59 am
           Not in the beta, but...Quirel1/5/15 5:01 pm

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