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Halo 5 Beta Impressions
Date: 12/31/14 11:45 am

I don't see where the impression thread is (I'm assuming it's not that awesome rocket launcher one).

- I'm at the lower end of the gold rank so color the below appropriately
- This is the best first impression I've had with halo multiplayer as far as "feel" is concerned. One of the pillars of halo for me is movement and the sprinting, clambering, jumping all just feels right. I get to where I want to and I find myself using the map a lot to get kills
- The guns feel great and different and have found that there isn't one gun yet that I need to. I do tend to make sure I have a BR or DMR, but if I don't it's not an issue, I still feel effective with the starting Magnum and AR.
- I absolutely love the grenade physics, it's one of the many things I miss in destiny. Bouncing it off of a far wall to get someone in a corner.
- The bro-celebrations at the end of the game are cringe worthy every time. I don't mind seeing the winning team, but the chest beating is laughable.
- This is definitely a beta test. Plenty of connection issues when looking for games. I also can't back out when that happens so I end up quitting the game and starting it back up.
- Also there are not that many sounds for certain screens, I'm sitting there checking HBO and I don't hear that a prompt has come up to continue. I suppose this will be a non-issue in the production release.
- I just love love love love that they've thrown out the progression system and that we're just unlocking visual gear.

Anyways, I'm definitely super excited about it now. I can't get into Destiny's PVP for many reasons (progression based mechanics, lack of objective gametypes like CTF, really low TTK) and this felt a million times better.

I hope you all are enjoying it as much as I have.

Messages In This Thread

Halo 5 Beta Impressionskidtsunami12/31/14 11:45 am
     Re: Halo 5 Beta Impressionssnakegriffin12/31/14 1:11 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta Impressionsasa12/31/14 1:12 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta Impressionsgamerguy200212/31/14 2:07 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta Impressionsserpx12/31/14 3:26 pm
     Re: My thoughts.Hyokin12/31/14 3:43 pm
     I think the controls need to be less clutteredTDSpiral12/31/14 4:26 pm
           Re: I think the controls need to be less clutteredsnakegriffin12/31/14 5:09 pm
                 Re: I think the controls need to be less clutteredHyokin12/31/14 6:25 pm
                       Flinch is dead.gamerguy20021/1/15 12:55 am
                       Re: I think the controls need to be less cluttered}SoC{BrownSound1/1/15 1:58 pm
                             Re: I think the controls need to be less clutteredHyokin1/1/15 3:24 pm
                             Re: I think the controls need to be less clutteredserpx1/1/15 3:56 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta ImpressionsDrdoctor1/1/15 11:30 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta Impressionsmelee1/3/15 11:17 am
     Can't say I'm a fan.Gravemind1/4/15 8:45 pm
     Week 2 Impressionsserpx1/4/15 9:05 pm
           Would love to hear everyone's Week 2 impressions! *NM*serpx1/4/15 9:05 pm
                 My Week 2 impressionsCody Miller1/4/15 9:52 pm
                 Re: Would love to hear everyone's Week 2 impressioJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/4/15 10:42 pm
           Re: Week 2 ImpressionsArteenEsben1/4/15 11:05 pm
                 Re: Week 2 Impressionsthebruce01/5/15 9:33 am
                       Re: Week 2 Impressionsserpx1/5/15 12:35 pm
                             Re: Week 2 Impressionsmelee1/5/15 5:49 pm
                             Re: Week 2 ImpressionsArteenEsben1/6/15 6:08 pm
           Re: Week 2 ImpressionsThe BS Police1/5/15 8:28 am
           Re: Week 2 Impressionskidtsunami1/5/15 11:59 am
           Not in the beta, but...Quirel1/5/15 5:01 pm

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