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Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.
By:General Vagueness
Date: 1/4/15 5:12 pm
In Response To: Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF. (uberfoop)

: That having only 7 people on the field is arguably why an 8-person team is
: able to have constant pressure on a flag in the first place.

It didn't seem like constant pressure to me, and anyway with 8 people or even with 7 people I would think it would be possible regardless, creating pressure or risk only requires one person to get to the base. Plus, I'm not a great shot, and when I go back to Reach that's exacerbated-- I don't think bloom is bad, but it definitely takes getting used to. If it was, say, Kermit staying in the base you probably would think it was fitting, as would he (no offense meant, Kermit; you've said more than most that you're not great at multiplayer, it's just an example). I will admit again that we tore it up in that Warthog (or those Warthogs, we went through at least 5), which surprised me; it's certainly possible I would've been more help continuing with that, IDK.

Messages In This Thread

SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.munky-0581/3/15 4:54 pm
     Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.The Lionheart1/4/15 1:55 am
           Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.General Vagueness1/4/15 2:41 am
                 Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.uberfoop1/4/15 2:49 am
                       Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.General Vagueness1/4/15 2:39 pm
                             Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.uberfoop1/4/15 2:40 pm
                                   Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.General Vagueness1/4/15 5:12 pm
           Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.munky-0581/4/15 3:28 am
                 My CTF MO is ABDpadraig081/5/15 10:42 am
           Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.NartFOpc1/4/15 12:07 pm

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