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Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.
Date: 1/4/15 12:07 pm
In Response To: Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF. (The Lionheart)

: Now that I see it from you guys' perspective, Nart saying "HEY!!" a
: ton of times when he was in our base near the end isn't infuriating the
: way that it was at the time -- for me, in the heat of the moment, it was a
: REALLY desperate situation, and I hated being just barely kept from
: turning it around in time. At the time, it felt like merciless taunting, a
: cruel "rubbing in the face" of how hopeless it seemed to be
: getting and how unfair everything felt as my hatred for losing was being
: fanned into flame.

No mockery intended, staying alive in situations where I really shouldn't is just one of my favorite things in Halo. And prolonging an encounter, even when you have no chance of winning it, is something that not enough players do. It ties up multiple enemies, gives you a chance to call out the situation, and buys your team time to improve their positioning.

Messages In This Thread

SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.munky-0581/3/15 4:54 pm
     Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.The Lionheart1/4/15 1:55 am
           Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.General Vagueness1/4/15 2:41 am
                 Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.uberfoop1/4/15 2:49 am
                       Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.General Vagueness1/4/15 2:39 pm
                             Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.uberfoop1/4/15 2:40 pm
                                   Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.General Vagueness1/4/15 5:12 pm
           Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.munky-0581/4/15 3:28 am
                 My CTF MO is ABDpadraig081/5/15 10:42 am
           Re: SSD Customs presents: TSD's Epic CTF.NartFOpc1/4/15 12:07 pm

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