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Server issues. Can't play
Date: 12/21/14 3:15 pm
In Response To: My feelings on Halo 5 so far (Chris101b)

I have been trying to connect to the Halo 5 servers for the past 4 hours and have been unable to even make it past the main menu screen. This doesn't seem like just another server maintenence situation. Just thought I would include it in my review. I really want to play the game but being unable to for the entire day has been pretty frustrating. I switched over to the Halo Channel and tried to watch nightfall. When I started it, it was stuck on black screen for 3 minutes. I then started watching it, and when the "second story" came up, I clicked on it. The Halo Channel froze. I waited for 5 minutes before exiting out. Restarted it and accidentally clicked on the wrong episode. Had to wait 3 minutes for it to go through the unskipable intro, and then another black screen. Backed out, chose episode 2, another 5 minute black screen. I gave up, went back to the beta "Server Issue: There was an unexpected error with the Halo servers. I really hope this doesn't continue to be my Halo experience for years to come because this is incredibly frustrating. I'm about to just switch over to Netflix because at least that reliably works.

Messages In This Thread

My feelings on Halo 5 so farChris101b12/21/14 12:47 pm
     Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farcar1512/21/14 1:06 pm
           Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farChris101b12/21/14 1:37 pm
                 Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farChris101b12/21/14 1:40 pm
                 Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so far}SoC{BrownSound12/21/14 6:01 pm
     Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farExanubisleader12/21/14 2:26 pm
           Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farChris101b12/21/14 3:18 pm
     Server issues. Can't playChris101b12/21/14 3:15 pm
           Re: Server issues. Can't playserpx12/22/14 12:09 pm
     I did 2-3 games. (My reply + Additional Thoughts)serpx12/22/14 10:58 am
           Re: I did 2-3 games. (My reply + Additional Thoughthebruce012/22/14 11:27 am

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