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Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so far
Date: 12/21/14 1:37 pm
In Response To: Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so far (car15)

: Thanks for the post. Well-written and informative. I can't wait to try Halo
: 5, but I'm also hesitant to give 343 the traffic before they've finished
: MCC's development. It's improved in recent weeks, but it's still not where
: it needs to be.

Very understandable.

: It has always been my silent hope that 343 will implement truly customizable
: control mapping in Halo 5. Why not? If they're targeting the
: "pro" crowd, nothing seems more "pro" to me than
: designing your own personalized control scheme.

Yeah I know! And some of these controls seem to be negatively affecting parts of the game that were iconic to me. Like the sniper no longer has multiple zoom levels. Since the zoom is now mapped to the Left Trigger, you hold it to zoom in and then when you let go of the trigger, you zoom out. Unless there is another button you have to press to be able to zoom in further, I don't think it's possible. It will be interesting to see how that works when we start seeing the larger maps that the game has to offer.

Messages In This Thread

My feelings on Halo 5 so farChris101b12/21/14 12:47 pm
     Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farcar1512/21/14 1:06 pm
           Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farChris101b12/21/14 1:37 pm
                 Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farChris101b12/21/14 1:40 pm
                 Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so far}SoC{BrownSound12/21/14 6:01 pm
     Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farExanubisleader12/21/14 2:26 pm
           Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farChris101b12/21/14 3:18 pm
     Server issues. Can't playChris101b12/21/14 3:15 pm
           Re: Server issues. Can't playserpx12/22/14 12:09 pm
     I did 2-3 games. (My reply + Additional Thoughts)serpx12/22/14 10:58 am
           Re: I did 2-3 games. (My reply + Additional Thoughthebruce012/22/14 11:27 am

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