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New MCC PATCH largely fails
Date: 11/27/14 3:38 am
In Response To: New MCC Content Update 11/26 live now (Drdoctor)

Quit calling it a content update. It isn't one. None of them are.

Moving on, matchmaking times have significantly decreased. That's good. You can actually find matches with 3-4 people now. That's good, except that it still largely doesn't work. So let's break it down.

"Made improvements to the way the matchmaking system handles player matching"

Vague claim, so who knows what the intent here is. Uneven teams still get matched, and going in with a party still doesn't guarantee that you will be matched on the same team with your party members!

"Made improvements to the team selection process to improve team balancing"

Just covered that. I suppose "improvements" is also vague since, you know, still busted.

"Made an update to the party system to improve searching with parties (2+ players)"

I guess the key word in this whole thing is going to be "improve". Beyond a shadow of a doubt, yes, it's improved. But guess what. You still can't back out with your party. The game crashes consistently. You still have to restart the game to re-party up most of the time. The thing crashes all together or requires an Xbox One restart still, and quite frequently. Admittedly, not as much as before, but that's like saying "I wasted 25 minutes today instead of 30" and being happy about it.

"Made further improvements to how matchmaking progress is communicated to the player"

I assume with Bonnie Ross statements that say a lot without saying a damn thing. And a pop-up in-game that doesn't actually show up until after it's crashed for the third time post-patch.

"Made an update to ensure that players do not enter a non-joinable state after searching for a match"

Fascinating. We were unable to get people into our custom game after it had started because it was full, just like before. False claim is false?

"Made an update to ensure that the “Game Session” UI does not persist after leaving a matchmaking lobby"

This appears to be fixed.

"Resolved a variety of incorrectly displayed matchmaking prompts"

Looks good so far!

"Improved matchmaking roster presentation during team creation phase to remove roster flickering"

This appears to be looking good so far.

"Corrected a “connecting to host” message that incorrectly displayed during the matchmaking searching phase"

Wrong. Absolutely still shows up in the most ridiculous of instances. Speaking of which, went in with my party of four, started searching, next thing I know we're all forced into a lobby with some random dude who's party lead and we're no longer searching. What in the world? This happened on more than one occasion.

"Made an update to ensure that FFA players do not appear as if they are on the red team in the pre-game lobby"

Unable to confirm/deny this claim.

"Made an update to ensure that custom game settings persist between matches"

Appears to be true.

"Made an update to ensure that player’s player emblems load correctly when returning to lobby"

Well, they sure as hell don't work in-game still, and the lobby still puts the spinning circles over them, so nothing is ensured!

"Made an update to improve nameplate and emblem display"

Obviously not.

"Improved the display of emblems in the 'Games Session Details' screen"

Yeah because this was an important thing to do. Make emblems work instead.

"Made improvements to parties to ensure that parties are merged when the host joins another player and 'brings party'"

This is absolute bullshit and does not work in any way, shape, or form in customs or when attempting to join someone else for matchmaking, or even just backing out of searching.

"Made an update to improve party stability after completing a matchmaking game"

Key word still being improve, and I'd say that it has improved somewhat in the sense that things don't crash or require a restart of the game/console as often, but it's only a little bit of an improvement at this point.

"Made an update to ensure that players are joinable after playing a matchmaking game"

Yeah, nothing is ensured here. Bold claim that, yet again, fails quite consistently.

Not even gonna comment on the "stability" update claims just because of how often the game has to be restarted or how often individual games crash and kick everyone or how often the game itself crashes still in the two hours of playing we've largely attempted/failed to succeed at doing.

To all those out there wondering if this half a GB patch made it worth purchasing an Xbox One or this busted game yet, the answer is no. Hold off. Run away. Listen to Schooly, don't pre-order anymore of their games or season passes. They have to earn it going forward if they're going to release quality, tested products at launch. Oh, and happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Messages In This Thread

New MCC Content Update 11/26 live nowDrdoctor11/26/14 11:07 pm
     Re: New MCC Content Update 11/26 live nowThe BS Police11/26/14 11:28 pm
           Re: New MCC Content Update 11/26 live nowuberfoop11/27/14 3:16 am
                 Re: New MCC Content Update 11/26 live nowHoovaloov11/27/14 4:31 am
                       Re: New MCC Content Update 11/26 live nowHyokin11/27/14 9:02 am
                             Re: New MCC Content Update 11/26 live nowdavidfuchs11/27/14 8:52 pm
                                   Re: New MCC Content Update 11/26 live nowThe BS Police11/27/14 9:37 pm
     Re: New MCC Content Update 11/26 live nowArteenEsben11/27/14 12:46 am
           Re: New MCC Content Update 11/26 live nowhyokin11/27/14 8:58 am
                 Re: New MCC Content Update 11/26 live nowArteenEsben11/27/14 9:01 am
                       Re: New MCC Content Update 11/26 live nowserpx11/27/14 10:58 am
     New MCC PATCH largely failsAvateur11/27/14 3:38 am
     Keep working on it guys!Drdoctor11/27/14 11:54 am
     Still more or less broken.Gravemind11/29/14 11:03 am
           Re: NATHyokin11/29/14 12:29 pm
           Re: Still more or less broken.uberfoop11/29/14 2:13 pm

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