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Re: Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!
Date: 11/17/14 12:46 pm

: It was so obvious on Outskirts, Metropolis, and The Arbiter for me. On
: Outskirts in the final tunnel section, I got out of my Warthog and the
: Marines disappeared. As I headed for the exit those two Marines had a
: ridiculously impossible lead on me on foot. On Metropolis, the Marine on
: the bridge with the rocket launcher just ran around my Scorpion. When I
: got out to playfully nudge them with my fist to get on, the original two
: Marines who were already on just disappeared entirely. On The Arbiter,
: which I had played a few times, the two Elites at the beginning always met
: their doom at the hands of the Heretic Grunts on that large sloped ramp.

: These glitches or bugs or whatever are really pissing me off because I value
: the support of my allied companions. Their playful banter is always fun to
: hear amongst a sea of explosions going on. Playing alone is just kinda
: boring.

Some of this is how it's always been. I remember NPC boarding being a lot better from H3 on. In Halo 2 in particular, if you force a character out of vehicle, it's like they'd forget the vehicle existed and start walking. You'd have to catch them with the vehicle and trigger the dodge animation for them to remember the vehicle and get in. Careful, though. If you're vehicle so much as grazed them, it was instant death for them. Halo 2 also marked the debut of NPC driving. A fun way to die!

Messages In This Thread

How's your MCC campaign experience been?Moorpheusl911/15/14 1:27 pm
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?ArteenEsben11/15/14 1:52 pm
           Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?ArteenEsben11/15/14 1:55 pm
                 Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?ArteenEsben11/15/14 1:56 pm
                       Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?ArteenEsben11/16/14 1:35 pm
                             Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?uberfoop11/16/14 2:31 pm
           Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!LostSpartan98711/15/14 5:59 pm
                 Re: Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!Grizzlei11/15/14 6:30 pm
                       Re: Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!Kermit11/17/14 12:46 pm
                             Re: Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!Grizzlei11/17/14 2:46 pm
                                   Re: Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/17/14 5:49 pm
                                         Re: Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!Grizzlei11/17/14 8:33 pm
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/15/14 1:54 pm
           Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?zofinda11/15/14 2:42 pm
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?uberfoop11/15/14 2:24 pm
           Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Kermit11/17/14 12:19 pm
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Hyokin11/15/14 2:36 pm
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Masterz133711/15/14 2:38 pm
           Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Kermit11/17/14 12:41 pm
                 Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?thebruce011/17/14 1:25 pm
                 Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/17/14 2:53 pm
                       Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Kermit11/17/14 4:51 pm
     Halfway decentJordan11711/15/14 3:51 pm
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?DiscipleN2k11/15/14 6:58 pm
     Positive words in this post!Avateur11/15/14 7:48 pm
           Re: Positive words in this post!GrimBrother One11/16/14 1:26 am
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?ManKitten11/16/14 11:13 am
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?DrDoctor11/16/14 11:33 am
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?thebruce011/17/14 10:12 am

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