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Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?
Date: 11/17/14 12:41 pm
In Response To: Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been? (Masterz1337)

: I had no problem with H2:A, other than regret being invincible to my punches
: with like 7 skulls on in heroic. An elite accidentally hit him and killed
: him for me after I boarded him about 25 times, but then the elite got me
: too. The only other issue I had was the terminals and halo channel... but
: It's probably better to watch those all in one sitting on youtube anyway.

I've had problems with this. There really should be a Play All button especially since you can't seem to control what goes into or off of your queue in the Halo Channel. Let's hope the latter is fixed, too.

It really annoys me that they kick you out of full screen during the final several seconds of whatever you're watching. It bugs me because it's obviously by design and not a bug. Uncool, 343. Uncool. (I can somewhat understand it for videos that have credits, but I don't like when Netflix does this either.)

I've really enjoyed playing through H2. Still not my favorite of the Halos, but it's been a surreal experience. My sampling of the others seems fine. H4 is amazing to see, and silky smooth.

Messages In This Thread

How's your MCC campaign experience been?Moorpheusl911/15/14 1:27 pm
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?ArteenEsben11/15/14 1:52 pm
           Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?ArteenEsben11/15/14 1:55 pm
                 Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?ArteenEsben11/15/14 1:56 pm
                       Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?ArteenEsben11/16/14 1:35 pm
                             Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?uberfoop11/16/14 2:31 pm
           Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!LostSpartan98711/15/14 5:59 pm
                 Re: Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!Grizzlei11/15/14 6:30 pm
                       Re: Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!Kermit11/17/14 12:46 pm
                             Re: Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!Grizzlei11/17/14 2:46 pm
                                   Re: Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/17/14 5:49 pm
                                         Re: Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!Grizzlei11/17/14 8:33 pm
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/15/14 1:54 pm
           Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?zofinda11/15/14 2:42 pm
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?uberfoop11/15/14 2:24 pm
           Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Kermit11/17/14 12:19 pm
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Hyokin11/15/14 2:36 pm
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Masterz133711/15/14 2:38 pm
           Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Kermit11/17/14 12:41 pm
                 Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?thebruce011/17/14 1:25 pm
                 Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/17/14 2:53 pm
                       Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?Kermit11/17/14 4:51 pm
     Halfway decentJordan11711/15/14 3:51 pm
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?DiscipleN2k11/15/14 6:58 pm
     Positive words in this post!Avateur11/15/14 7:48 pm
           Re: Positive words in this post!GrimBrother One11/16/14 1:26 am
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?ManKitten11/16/14 11:13 am
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?DrDoctor11/16/14 11:33 am
     Re: How's your MCC campaign experience been?thebruce011/17/14 10:12 am

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