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Response: Now with 1x more *GIF*
Date: 3/20/14 6:24 pm
In Response To: Re: Gender expectations (Cody Miller)

: Perhaps these traits should be something EVERYONE aspires to then?

All of these traits characterize an ideal person and don't take into consideration those who can't obtain them or even want to. Like those skills mentioned "out of the box" in the image you provided, they need to be held with equal regard without any expectation or stigma.

: I'm not sure men think women are weak, simply weak er . I think the
: difference is pretty important.

There's no difference to either of the differences you think there's a difference to.

: I know a lot of gay men, and let me tell you, women DO love them :-p

Oh, the "gay best friend" stereotype? How cute.

: Again, I am not sure any of these are harmful. Anybody who adopts them is
: going to be a more complete happy human being.

A boy who's ridiculed daily for his short height by his taller peers can't just simply adopt a bunch of inches to his height. Someone who doesn't have financial security might not be able afford the "good style" which others have set the standards for. Why must they participate in a particular sport that others deem "right" or athletic at all? And lastly, only seeking the attention of girls and holding boys to that standard negates sexual minorities from expressing themselves.

: The problem we have is simply the fact that so many feminine traits are in
: fact undesirable, yet we expect women to conform to them.

Undesirable to whom? I enjoy expressing my femininity and have little care for what others think of me because of it. Most importantly, I am not conforming to anything. I choose to be a feminine being because I find that most desirable for myself, and many women are much the same. I'm sure the same goes for many men and wanting to be masculine, which is perfectly okie dokes.

: If we simply expect both men and women to adopt the healthiest traits,
: while still allowing for differences between the sexes, everybody would be a
: lot happier and healthier.

Which of those traits would you consider to be the healthiest and what lifestyle would you insist they adopt to achieve them? Secondly, it is those differences between men and women, both societal and biological, that have been created and abused over time which have caused the harmful connotations of these traits. All of this depends on the individual to determine that for themselves. Their happiness and health is not a universally written remedy.

: For instance being confident and decisive are masculine traits, while being
: demure is a feminine one.

: We should be encouraging both men and women to be decisive and
: confident, and nobody to be demure.

Again, that's the path of your own personality which has dictated the lifestyle you wish to pursue. Who are we to insist that all others must follow the same? Sure, in our society confidence and decisiveness are attractive qualities, but not all people desire it and we shouldn't force or expect it from anyone.

: Instead of embracing demure women, we should reject them, similar
: to how we reject demure men. In this sense, a demure man isn't failing
: to live up to his gender expectation, he is failing to live up to his expectation
: as a human being.

We should instead embrace everyone regardless of their gender identity and whatever personality traits they develop from it or otherwise, and reject those who wish to impart strict ideals and traits on others. Each of us are unique beings with a vast array of differing qualities and quirks that as a whole make us human.

Messages In This Thread

Gender expectationsCody Miller3/20/14 4:22 am
     Nail. Head. *NM*The Loot3/20/14 4:37 am
     Re: Gender expectationsKal3/20/14 10:24 am
           Re: Gender expectationsXenos3/20/14 11:41 am
                 Re: Gender expectationsKal3/20/14 11:55 am
                       Re: Gender expectationsXenos3/20/14 2:00 pm
           +1Arithmomaniac3/20/14 12:09 pm
     Re: Gender expectationsGrizzlei3/20/14 2:38 pm
           Re: Gender expectationsCody Miller3/20/14 5:30 pm
                 Response: Now with 1x more *GIF*Grizzlei3/20/14 6:24 pm
                       That last paragraphZackDark3/20/14 6:53 pm
                             Re: That last paragraphGrizzlei3/20/14 7:01 pm
                                   Re: That last paragraphZackDark3/20/14 10:18 pm
                       Re: Response: Now with 1x more *GIF*Cody Miller3/20/14 8:21 pm
                             Re: Response: Now with 1x more *GIF*Kal3/20/14 8:30 pm
                                   Re: Response: Now with 1x more *GIF*Cody Miller3/20/14 8:47 pm
                             Re: Response: Now with 1x more *GIF*Grizzlei3/20/14 9:06 pm
                                   Input from the fly on the wallSonofMacPhisto3/21/14 11:20 am
                                         Re: Input from the fly on the wallThe Loot3/22/14 7:46 pm

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