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Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*
Date: 9/15/13 7:45 pm

: Well the freaky stuff is a lot rarer of course, and perhaps there'll be less
: of it the more of these videos I do, because I wouldn't want to be
: repeating similar freaky events, or not too much anyway. But as long as
: the movies make good watching, that's the main thing.

Of course, makes sense. I find that your movies have a lot of humor in them, so naturally there's bound to be a lot of funny video laying around, and the Freakiness and Fun series nicely demonstrates this fact.

: I can recall a few things when rockslide megabattling near the Marine
: plateau. One time a covie got blasted exceptionally high up the cliff
: (though maybe not as high as the 'High-flyer' Elite in BCM56), due to a
: chain reaction. Another time my hog did a great somersault on the move,
: due to getting tagged by a Grunt.

Doesn't sound quite as freaky as my long-distance tag. I happened to be right around the main entrance to the Rockslide, and the two Jackals were somewhere to the right of the big rock on the left. I didn't even think my Plasma would do a thing - they'd just jump aside after all, maybe catching a little bit of the blast or something - but instead one of their feet happened to be in just the right spot. In any case, that was my freakiest tag. More freaky, I think, would be Clip 15 of the KSR1 Out-takes; now that one was just plain scary!


Messages In This Thread

Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*Rockslider9/15/13 2:57 pm
     Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*Pkmnrulz2409/15/13 4:08 pm
           Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*Rockslider9/15/13 4:14 pm
     Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*PerseusSpartacus9/15/13 5:13 pm
           Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*Rockslider9/15/13 6:26 pm
                 Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*PerseusSpartacus9/15/13 7:45 pm
                       Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*Rockslider9/16/13 4:26 pm
                             Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*PerseusSpartacus9/17/13 10:36 am
                                   Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*Rockslider9/17/13 4:56 pm
                                         Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*PerseusSpartacus9/17/13 5:27 pm
                                               Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*Rockslider9/17/13 6:17 pm
                                                     Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*PerseusSpartacus9/17/13 8:36 pm
                                                           Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*Rockslider9/18/13 5:38 pm
                                                                 Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*PerseusSpartacus9/18/13 8:27 pm
                                                                       Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*Rockslider9/19/13 6:38 pm
                                                                             Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*PerseusSpartacus9/19/13 7:38 pm
                                                                                   Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*Rockslider9/20/13 8:28 pm
                                                                                         Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*PerseusSpartacus9/21/13 2:29 pm
                                                                                               Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*PerseusSpartacus9/30/13 4:24 pm
                 Re: Fourth dose of H1 freakiness and fun *VID*cB55710/1/13 6:17 am
     Quality kills, quality clips *NM*General Vagueness10/1/13 6:38 pm

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