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Games Are Made by Childless 31 Yr Old White Men OT
Date: 4/16/13 8:40 am

I saw this story from Penny Arcade via The Lionheart's Facebook page and thought it quite interesting. One thing that really made me think is how the "notable figures" (the ones on the camera and in writeups) from Bungie and 343I really buck this trend. Marcus Lehto, Frank O'Connor, Marty, Stosh, Vic Deleon and more. Granted, we 'know' them as they are seen many times as the voice of their departments in ViDocs and PR campaigns so they're in the spotlight more than most, but it would be really interesting to see how a company like Bungie, known for their Grizzled Ancients, and 343I, which assembled a team of industry vets for Microsoft, line up with this 31 yr old white male demographic that most game companies tend to trend toward apparently.

- MacGyver10

Messages In This Thread

Games Are Made by Childless 31 Yr Old White Men OTMacGyver104/16/13 8:40 am
     Re: Games Are Made by Childless 31 Yr Old White Mescarab4/16/13 10:12 am
           Re: Games Are Made by Childless 31 Yr Old White MeCARDO 8 ATL4/16/13 2:27 pm
     Re: Games Are Made by Childless 31 Yr Old White MeLouis Wu4/16/13 11:23 am
           Re: Games Are Made by Childless 31 Yr Old White Mebluerunner4/16/13 3:07 pm
     Re: Games Are Made by Childless 31 Yr Old White MeChrisTheeCrappy4/16/13 4:37 pm
           Re: Games Are Made by Childless 31 Yr Old White MeCARDO 8 ATL4/16/13 6:54 pm
                 Re: Games Are Made by Childless 31 Yr Old White MeRC Master4/16/13 7:34 pm
                       THANK YOU! *NM*ZackDark4/16/13 7:52 pm
                       Re: Games Are Made by Childless 31 Yr Old White MeMid7night4/17/13 11:20 am
     Remind me whyCody Miller4/17/13 2:24 pm
           Re: Remind me whyCARDO 8 ATL4/17/13 4:12 pm
           Fear and peer pressure? *NM*scarab4/17/13 5:23 pm

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