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Re: Rendering issue in H1
Date: 9/21/23 2:58 am
In Response To: Rendering issue in H1 (Rockslider)

I don't know enough about it to answer the question, but it may be worth noting that the "shadow" from environmental lighting is just a dark area in the lightmap, not an explicit "shadow" texture applied to otherwise-lit stuff. In Halo 1 (and in all of Bungie's Halo games), environmental lighting of characters is handled by checking the lightmap at a single point and applying that lighting to the entire character.

So for example, if you cross through a narrow shadow while driving a vehicle, you don't see the shadow sweep across the vehicle... instead, the vehicle gets darker as a whole when its center is in the shadow, and gets brighter as a whole when its center is outside of the shadow.

Anyway, it sounds like the game maybe isn't properly sampling the lightmap for some characters.

Messages In This Thread

Rendering issue in H1Rockslider9/20/23 1:35 pm
     Re: Rendering issue in H1Captain Spark9/20/23 2:47 pm
           Re: Rendering issue in H1Rockslider9/20/23 3:03 pm
                 Re: Rendering issue in H1Captain Spark9/20/23 3:08 pm
                       Re: Rendering issue in H1Rockslider9/20/23 3:31 pm
                             Re: Rendering issue in H1Captain Spark9/20/23 7:05 pm
                                   Re: Rendering issue in H1Rockslider9/21/23 12:46 am
     Re: Rendering issue in H1uberfoop9/21/23 2:58 am
           Re: Rendering issue in H1Rockslider9/21/23 7:04 am
                 Re: Rendering issue in H1uberfoop9/21/23 2:56 pm
                       Re: Rendering issue in H1Rockslider9/21/23 5:24 pm
     Re: Rendering issue in H1Rockslider10/6/23 12:45 pm

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