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Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)
Date: 10/24/15 2:34 pm
In Response To: Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS) (Vincent)

: So it's like Halo 2 then? Sold!

Hahahaha. Great comment. The Halo 2 ending was so irritating. I was playing it with a friend and literally he said, right before the credit rolled, "wouldn't it suck if the game ended right here?" And then it did.

I really wish I hadn't read this thread. Now I feel like I'll be waiting for something disappointing the entire time. Fucking great. I had made the mistake of reading the Halo 2 review in Official Xbox Magazine before playing the game and it did the same thing to me.

Car15, you're an ass for posting anything And oh shit - you're "not going to buy it," because you "borrowed it from a friend."

(Sigh). What a huge waste of my time. I guess it's just as well that Microaoft won't get me my physical copy of the game disc until after the 27th. (I am stationed in Hawaii and the mail system isn't the best).


Messages In This Thread

I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Car1510/22/15 7:05 pm
     tl;dr versionCar1510/22/15 7:10 pm
           Re: tl;dr versionAlexis10/23/15 2:18 am
     Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Schooly D10/22/15 7:52 pm
           Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Cody Miller10/22/15 7:54 pm
                 1 odst 3 reach 2 4 *NM*scarab10/23/15 12:50 am
           Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Grizzlei10/22/15 8:07 pm
           Are we doing this again?Quirel10/23/15 1:36 am
           Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)car1510/23/15 2:25 am
     Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)munky-05810/22/15 8:25 pm
           Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Tuckerscreator10/22/15 8:36 pm
                 Dang it, 343...munky-05810/22/15 8:50 pm
           Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)car1510/23/15 2:26 am
                 Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)munky-05810/23/15 3:44 am
                       Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)MacGyver1010/23/15 11:35 am
                       Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Cody Miller10/23/15 11:40 am
                             Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)munky-05810/23/15 12:49 pm
                                   Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Car1510/23/15 3:45 pm
     Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Vincent10/23/15 10:16 am
           Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Alexis10/24/15 2:34 pm
                 Don't shoot the messenger. *NM*rhubarb10/24/15 6:55 pm
                       Oh whatever, rhubarb.Alexis10/24/15 9:51 pm
                             I'm 45. And I wasn't. *NM*rhubarb10/24/15 10:44 pm
     How is the ally driving?scarab10/25/15 3:52 am
           Essentially: are they still the Keystone Cops? *NM*scarab10/25/15 3:59 am

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