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I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)
Date: 10/22/15 7:05 pm

Snagged an early copy.

My initial feelings are the gameplay, level design, and new features are all incredible. This game keeps the Halo franchise fresh and fun, without going off into left-field tangents that don't fit into the Halo style of gameplay. For example, there is no open world level design here. I'll never understand why so many people want that in a Halo game. Environments are large and explorable, but there is always a clear objective and the geometry subtly points you in the right direction, like a Halo game should.

So that's the good news. This game is amazing. It's a blast, it's polished, and it evolves the franchise in a positive and natural direction that gels with the established style of play that Halo fans love. Nothing feels forced about it.


The bad news is that the story is incredibly disappointing. Again.


Execution isn't the problem here. This game has a well-paced narrative with interesting characters, but unfortunately, 343 executed well on a bad idea.

I was on the edge of my seat for most of the game, but it culminated in a total cop-out of an ending. I won't go into specifics, but suffice it to say that it felt generic, unnecessary, and forced. It was in no way in keeping with the tone of the marketing and tie-in media, and it feels far too simplistic and reductive for this franchise, not to mention completely out of left field.

Buy the game. It's a blast and you won't regret your time with it. Just don't expect 343's narrative woes to have sorted themselves out, because they totally haven't.

Messages In This Thread

I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Car1510/22/15 7:05 pm
     tl;dr versionCar1510/22/15 7:10 pm
           Re: tl;dr versionAlexis10/23/15 2:18 am
     Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Schooly D10/22/15 7:52 pm
           Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Cody Miller10/22/15 7:54 pm
                 1 odst 3 reach 2 4 *NM*scarab10/23/15 12:50 am
           Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Grizzlei10/22/15 8:07 pm
           Are we doing this again?Quirel10/23/15 1:36 am
           Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)car1510/23/15 2:25 am
     Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)munky-05810/22/15 8:25 pm
           Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Tuckerscreator10/22/15 8:36 pm
                 Dang it, 343...munky-05810/22/15 8:50 pm
           Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)car1510/23/15 2:26 am
                 Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)munky-05810/23/15 3:44 am
                       Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)MacGyver1010/23/15 11:35 am
                       Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Cody Miller10/23/15 11:40 am
                             Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)munky-05810/23/15 12:49 pm
                                   Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Car1510/23/15 3:45 pm
     Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Vincent10/23/15 10:16 am
           Re: I've played Halo 5. (NO SPOILERS)Alexis10/24/15 2:34 pm
                 Don't shoot the messenger. *NM*rhubarb10/24/15 6:55 pm
                       Oh whatever, rhubarb.Alexis10/24/15 9:51 pm
                             I'm 45. And I wasn't. *NM*rhubarb10/24/15 10:44 pm
     How is the ally driving?scarab10/25/15 3:52 am
           Essentially: are they still the Keystone Cops? *NM*scarab10/25/15 3:59 am

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