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Halo 5 Campaign "Length" Speculation
Date: 6/30/15 11:30 am

Halo 1: 10 missions
Halo 2: 13 missions1
Halo 3: 10 Missions
ODST: 6 missions2
Reach: 9 missions3
Halo 4: 8 missions4
Average is missions per game: 9
now they have said that halo 5 is a longer game then halo 4. if we assume that halo 4 was hampered by it's visual fidelity taking up alot of space in the limited space of the DVD. lets treat 9 as the minimum. halo 2 being the maximum at 13. 54% of halo 2 is spent as the chief. using those numbers to make an educated guess

11 missions. 6 played as Blue team. 5 played as fire team Osiris

1not counting heretic cinematic or armory tutorial
2not counting prepare to drop cinematic or Mombassa streets hub world
3not counting the noble actual cinematic nor lone wolf which is really a firefight map
4not counting prologue/epilogue cinematics or spartan ops

Messages In This Thread

Halo 5 Campaign "Length" SpeculationAlexis6/30/15 7:21 am
     Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" Speculationserpx6/30/15 8:49 am
           Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" Speculationcar156/30/15 9:27 am
           Halo 5 Campaign "Length" SpeculationBounce-A-Gon6/30/15 11:30 am
                 Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" SpeculationDielectric6/30/15 6:39 pm
                       ^you are right *NM*Bounce-A-Gon6/30/15 7:42 pm
                 Yeah, but . . .cheapLEY6/30/15 8:35 pm
                       Re: Yeah, but . . .Dielectric6/30/15 9:19 pm
                 Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" Speculationcar157/1/15 8:53 am
                       yuk yuk yuk *NM*Bounce-A-Gon7/1/15 12:09 pm
     I'm not expecting anything truly huge.Gravemind6/30/15 3:52 pm
           Re: I'm not expecting anything truly huge.Apollo6/30/15 9:33 pm
     New support that the game's campaign could be hugeserpx7/4/15 3:45 am
     Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" SpeculationAlexis11/10/15 10:49 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" SpeculationcheapLEY11/11/15 9:31 am
                 Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" SpeculationChrisTheeCrappy11/11/15 11:24 am

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