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Halo 5 Campaign "Length" Speculation
Date: 6/30/15 7:21 am

Hey all,

So I had a thought after watching the Campaign video at e3 and thought I'd run it by you. I did a (teeny tiny...basically a few Google searches) bit of research and supposedly the rumors in the beginnings of when Halo 5 was announced were that the game would span 5-6 worlds, be 4 times the average "length" of Halo 4, and be an "open" sandbox game, where the MC has his own ship and can fly from planet to planet, going on missions, etc. I am guessing that the final game won't be an open sandbox (it'd be cool though, right?), and the digital download description of Halo 5 states that the game will span " across 3 worlds."

Anyways, I wonder if the campaign will be longer than Halo 4? I'm going to throw my guess out there and say that I'd be willing to bet Halo 5 will take the average gamer about 12-15 hours to beat (and me 20 hours because I'm not very good anymore)! What are your guesses for game length?

Let's have some fun with this one!


Messages In This Thread

Halo 5 Campaign "Length" SpeculationAlexis6/30/15 7:21 am
     Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" Speculationserpx6/30/15 8:49 am
           Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" Speculationcar156/30/15 9:27 am
           Halo 5 Campaign "Length" SpeculationBounce-A-Gon6/30/15 11:30 am
                 Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" SpeculationDielectric6/30/15 6:39 pm
                       ^you are right *NM*Bounce-A-Gon6/30/15 7:42 pm
                 Yeah, but . . .cheapLEY6/30/15 8:35 pm
                       Re: Yeah, but . . .Dielectric6/30/15 9:19 pm
                 Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" Speculationcar157/1/15 8:53 am
                       yuk yuk yuk *NM*Bounce-A-Gon7/1/15 12:09 pm
     I'm not expecting anything truly huge.Gravemind6/30/15 3:52 pm
           Re: I'm not expecting anything truly huge.Apollo6/30/15 9:33 pm
     New support that the game's campaign could be hugeserpx7/4/15 3:45 am
     Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" SpeculationAlexis11/10/15 10:49 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" SpeculationcheapLEY11/11/15 9:31 am
                 Re: Halo 5 Campaign "Length" SpeculationChrisTheeCrappy11/11/15 11:24 am

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