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Re: Yet you support Destiny
By:Cody Miller
Date: 6/17/15 5:29 pm
In Response To: Re: Yet you support Destiny (General Vagueness)

: * Having some geometry and a handful of enemy spawns does not mean all of
: the geometry, story, AI scripting, spoken dialog, and everything else that
: goes into a playable area is done or will be done soon . Could they have
: waited and finished it? Sure, but then they'd want to add and change more
: things, and getting those done would push back release more, and they'd
: want to change more things with that extra time-- where would it end?
: That's what happens with big projects like this, that's why you need a
: concrete end date.

Yes, but creatively releasing the game piece by piece is not as good as in one chunk. I would take less total content in one chunk versus more in chunks.

Messages In This Thread

Limited and Collectors Edition stuffsGrizzlei6/16/15 11:25 am
     The Fall of Reach Animated Series??Urban Reflex6/16/15 11:34 am
           Re: The Fall of Reach Animated Series??Grizzlei6/16/15 11:36 am
           Re: The Fall of Reach Animated Series??Archilen6/16/15 11:53 am
     Looks Like Microtransactions are INMacGyver106/16/15 12:03 pm
           I guess this is the cost of "free" mapsRevenant19886/16/15 12:20 pm
           Re: Looks Like Microtransactions are INGrizzlei6/16/15 12:59 pm
                 Re: Looks Like Microtransactions are INMacGyver106/16/15 1:58 pm
                       Agreed.Quirel6/16/15 2:03 pm
                             The fear of "pay to win"Revenant19886/16/15 2:45 pm
                                   I have said it before...profhalo6/16/15 3:14 pm
                                         Re: I have said it before...Revenant19886/16/15 3:35 pm
                                               Re: I have said it before...MacGyver106/16/15 4:24 pm
                                         Re: I have said it before...General Vagueness6/17/15 4:56 pm
           Sound just like Titanfall burn cards *NM*Apollo6/16/15 7:23 pm
           Re: Looks Like Microtransactions are INCody Miller6/16/15 7:55 pm
                 so...breitzen6/16/15 9:17 pm
                       Re: so...Grizzlei6/16/15 9:21 pm
                             Re: so...breitzen6/16/15 9:31 pm
                       Re: so...KP6/16/15 9:32 pm
                       Re: so...Cody Miller6/16/15 9:55 pm
                 Yet you support Destiny *NM*The BS Police6/16/15 11:17 pm
                       Re: Yet you support DestinyCody Miller6/17/15 9:04 am
                             Re: Yet you support DestinyThe BS Police6/17/15 1:10 pm
                                   Re: Yet you support DestinyGravemind6/17/15 3:02 pm
                                   Re: Yet you support DestinyCody Miller6/17/15 5:21 pm
                                   Re: Yet you support DestinyGeneral Vagueness6/17/15 5:25 pm
                                         Re: Yet you support DestinyCody Miller6/17/15 5:29 pm
     Digital options?mid7night6/16/15 1:32 pm

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