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Re: Yet you support Destiny
By:General Vagueness
Date: 6/17/15 5:25 pm
In Response To: Re: Yet you support Destiny (The BS Police)

: Destiny is nothing but a grindfest with bullet spunge enemies and a lame
: reward system. Bungie also cut content and sold it as DLC which is a
: shitty practice by itself. Joseph Staten left for a reason and you don't
: want to get me started on what Bungie did to Marty.

Destiny is only a grindfest after the first few hours if you decide to grind for something, you don't know why Joseph Staten or Marty left, I have yet to see anything approaching proof they cut content to sell later*, and none of this is relevant to paying for things within a game.

* Having some geometry and a handful of enemy spawns does not mean all of the geometry, story, AI scripting, spoken dialog, and everything else that goes into a playable area is done or will be done soon. Could they have waited and finished it? Sure, but then they'd want to add and change more things, and getting those done would push back release more, and they'd want to change more things with that extra time-- where would it end? That's what happens with big projects like this, that's why you need a concrete end date.

Messages In This Thread

Limited and Collectors Edition stuffsGrizzlei6/16/15 11:25 am
     The Fall of Reach Animated Series??Urban Reflex6/16/15 11:34 am
           Re: The Fall of Reach Animated Series??Grizzlei6/16/15 11:36 am
           Re: The Fall of Reach Animated Series??Archilen6/16/15 11:53 am
     Looks Like Microtransactions are INMacGyver106/16/15 12:03 pm
           I guess this is the cost of "free" mapsRevenant19886/16/15 12:20 pm
           Re: Looks Like Microtransactions are INGrizzlei6/16/15 12:59 pm
                 Re: Looks Like Microtransactions are INMacGyver106/16/15 1:58 pm
                       Agreed.Quirel6/16/15 2:03 pm
                             The fear of "pay to win"Revenant19886/16/15 2:45 pm
                                   I have said it before...profhalo6/16/15 3:14 pm
                                         Re: I have said it before...Revenant19886/16/15 3:35 pm
                                               Re: I have said it before...MacGyver106/16/15 4:24 pm
                                         Re: I have said it before...General Vagueness6/17/15 4:56 pm
           Sound just like Titanfall burn cards *NM*Apollo6/16/15 7:23 pm
           Re: Looks Like Microtransactions are INCody Miller6/16/15 7:55 pm
                 so...breitzen6/16/15 9:17 pm
                       Re: so...Grizzlei6/16/15 9:21 pm
                             Re: so...breitzen6/16/15 9:31 pm
                       Re: so...KP6/16/15 9:32 pm
                       Re: so...Cody Miller6/16/15 9:55 pm
                 Yet you support Destiny *NM*The BS Police6/16/15 11:17 pm
                       Re: Yet you support DestinyCody Miller6/17/15 9:04 am
                             Re: Yet you support DestinyThe BS Police6/17/15 1:10 pm
                                   Re: Yet you support DestinyGravemind6/17/15 3:02 pm
                                   Re: Yet you support DestinyCody Miller6/17/15 5:21 pm
                                   Re: Yet you support DestinyGeneral Vagueness6/17/15 5:25 pm
                                         Re: Yet you support DestinyCody Miller6/17/15 5:29 pm
     Digital options?mid7night6/16/15 1:32 pm

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