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Gonna be the sticklier here....
Date: 6/17/15 12:42 pm
In Response To: more warzone info and arena BTB double confirmed (Bounce-A-Gon)

This new War Zone mode looks cool and all but I'm just not excited for it. I was at first, but that excitement died very, VERY, quickly.

War Zone, to me, rubs off as too much Campaign-ish.
It feels too much like a chore and bit lanier. I know it's not lanier a bit. It's just how the game footage rubs off to me. The main objective is to capture 3 plots and then the core. The problem, I feel, is that the plots are too many and too easily captured. Sure, there are A.I. bosses to "capture" as well, but they don't seem to mean much, so long as you capture the enemy core.

In my opinion, they should have just kept to the Invasion play mechanic. Sure, there were plots to capture there, as well. But those plots vanished as the game progressed. And it was only 2 plots at a time. THEN the team had to take the core to a extraction zone before the timer ran out. With War Zone, we don't get that. Instead, we get 3 or so capture points that can be re-taken and then a core that we have to take out. There's no necessity to actually capture those points as there's always a chance the other team will take them back. It's basically a KOTH & Territories hybrid with a few A.I. characters. And if we've learned anything about KOTH/Territories games, players couldn't care less about captures. It's all K/D or nothing, it seems.

And then there's the Boss take. I may be mistaken here, but if you get more points for killing them, then the captures, then why even bother going for the captures?

And finally, there's the ABSOLUTE WORST part. The "Card" system. Why? Just Why?! We don't need this. And most, Halo players I've spoken to don't even want this. It's basically Halo4's Ordnance feature on steroids. Halo Players should ALWAYS have to fight for the power weapons and vehicles. NOT EARN THEM LIKE THIS!!

Invasion was designed very well. You capture a couple points in time, then you unlock more of the base, better weapons, and better vehicles. And best yet, players still had to fight for control of the RESPAWNING weapons and vehicles. It made the game fun, exciting, and always kept you on your toes. And if there was a camper with a power weapon, you knew exactly how to counter him.

With War Zone, it's NONE OF THIS. There's no fighting for power weapons for vehicles, AT ALL. There's no real drive to capture the plots/bases. And there's certainly no real drive for team-work if all you have to do is get more and more kills to unlock PERSONAL weapons and vehicles. We even see this in one of the IGN videos. A player gets a Warthog and he has a impossible time of getting a gunner to join him. Why? because it's easier to just rank up kills on your own from a distance! Why put your life in the hands of a stranger if all of the capture points are in tight, hard to maneuver, bases? The moment this IGN player got a gunner, he accidentally runs over, what looks like, 2 team-mates that were at the wrong place at the wrong time. And he barely tapped them with the Hog.

I don't know. Maybe my view on War Zone will change once I play it. THIS is a feature that should have been in the Beta along side Arena. Not at the same time, of course. But it should have been there. Testing these types of things In House and at Conventions is not a smart move. You're just limiting yourself too much.

Guess we now know why there are so many maps at launch and free DLC later. :sigh:

Messages In This Thread

more warzone info and arena BTB double confirmedBounce-A-Gon6/17/15 9:12 am
     That's a bit sadChrisTheeCrappy6/17/15 9:47 am
           Re: That's a bit sadPkmnrulz2406/17/15 10:03 am
                 Re: That's a bit sadBounce-A-Gon6/17/15 10:23 am
                       Re: That's a bit sadChrisTheeCrappy6/17/15 12:09 pm
                             Re: That's a bit saddavidfuchs6/17/15 1:15 pm
                                   Re: That's a bit sadChrisTheeCrappy6/17/15 2:01 pm
                                         Re: That's a bit saddavidfuchs6/17/15 2:34 pm
                                               Re: That's a bit sadChrisTheeCrappy6/17/15 2:49 pm
     Re: more warzone info and arena BTB double confirmDrdoctor6/17/15 11:32 am
           Re: more warzone info and arena BTB double confirmChrisTheeCrappy6/17/15 12:09 pm
                 Re: more warzone info and arena BTB double confirmHarmanimus6/17/15 1:06 pm
     Gonna be the sticklier here....SEspider6/17/15 12:42 pm

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