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Re: What makes HtT work and Nightfall fail?
By:General Vagueness
Date: 6/15/15 5:38 pm
In Response To: What makes HtT work and Nightfall fail? (Postmortem)

: In other words - in your opinion - what is it about the Halo productions you
: consider good that makes them good, and what is it about the Halo
: productions that you consider to be bad that makes them bad?

The only Halo thing I've experienced that I would call bad is Halo Anniversary, and that's because it failed in several of its goals, it failed to present new things that I aesthetically enjoy, the control schemes could've been better, it doesn't work right with non-widescreen monitors, the extra story content required an expensive extra piece of hardware, and it was obviated by the Master Chief Collection just three years later. The Master Chief Collection I wouldn't call bad in the same way because the core concepts are solid and when it works it's quite good, it just fails hard in its execution.

: There's a lot of talk on here currently about how much people loved Hunt the
: Truth and hated Nightfall, and similar discussions have of course occurred
: in the past regarding other productions.

I still don't get what was supposed to be so bad about Nightfall-- I thought it was fine, not great, but really not bad.

: It seems that the Halo community (as any audience) has a general consensus
: of things that work and don't work... we all agree that certain productions,
: by their presentation and content, have more merit than others within
: the Halo universe. But have we ever actually stopped and discussed what it is
: that makes Halo content good and what makes it bad?

We usually discuss that whenever something comes out, don't we?

: If you were to create a Halo production, what 'template' would you use going
: forward to ensure that each release is enjoyed by the fans?

: Marvel has their template that they roughly follow for each movie, and while
: it's true that all those films aren't great, they're at the very least
: entertaining. If Halo were to have a similar template or series of
: guidelines to follow, in your opinion, what would they be? Do you think
: that Halo can even follow a production template to success?

I'm not familiar with Marvel's template, what's it like?
For Halo, and just stories in general, a template doesn't sound like a good idea, even a checklist doesn't sound so good. Constraints can help creativity but that kind sounds like it would do more harm than good.

Messages In This Thread

What makes HtT work and Nightfall fail?Postmortem6/15/15 12:13 pm
     Re: What makes HtT work and Nightfall fail?Jaydee6/15/15 12:46 pm
           Re: What makes HtT work and Nightfall fail?Archilen6/16/15 11:39 am
     Re: What makes HtT work and Nightfall fail?General Vagueness6/15/15 5:38 pm

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