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Re: What makes HtT work and Nightfall fail?
Date: 6/15/15 12:46 pm
In Response To: What makes HtT work and Nightfall fail? (Postmortem)

To be honest it's a little hard to define. I can't say it is suspension of disbelief since it depends from person to person, as you'll have some that are willing to forgive an open turret without cover on a moving jeep without windows, to people that will cry out that battles in space would happen at massive distances and in absolute silence.

Personally? Things that make great use of the world, and do it amazingly. Back in the day, I praised Human Weakness as a spectacular tale of the lore, as it analyzed AIs, Cortana, and her relationship with the Master Chief, in a heart-wenching story. Then, Karen Traviss got a contract for the trilogy, and she threw the entire thing through the window in the basis of "not wanting to write fanfiction", and to be honest, the more I read about her, the more I dislike her as a writer and a person.

The Forerunner Trilogy, in my opinion, was absolutely mind-blowing and amazing because not only did it use the lore in an amazing way and neatly tied many things together, Greg Bear studied not just Halo canon, but entire books on physics, anthropology, religion, and military tactics, and it is a book I recommend to everyone.

Messages In This Thread

What makes HtT work and Nightfall fail?Postmortem6/15/15 12:13 pm
     Re: What makes HtT work and Nightfall fail?Jaydee6/15/15 12:46 pm
           Re: What makes HtT work and Nightfall fail?Archilen6/16/15 11:39 am
     Re: What makes HtT work and Nightfall fail?General Vagueness6/15/15 5:38 pm

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