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Re: Same here.
Date: 6/4/15 8:33 pm
In Response To: Re: Same here. (Hyokin)

: ...but BS Police and others have pointed out that I played those originally
: with the Brightness turned up to max, which looks the same as the MCC
: version.

Not identical; MCC compresses the upper part of the luminance range as well. This is particularly noticeable in that direct hits from flares don't totally blind you in MCC. Also, bloom in MCC really kicks up in the lower range, which is why in the opening cutscene Buck and Dare's faces are smeared on the edges when they're talking to each other.

But OG max is definitely more similar to MCC than the other brightnesses, especially for dark areas.

: The rain effects weren't on in the old version because of the engine, right?

The original game has raindrops. They're just fairly dim.

The raindrops pop more in the MCC because of the modified brightness curves.

Messages In This Thread

So, ODST, how does it look?scarab6/4/15 11:55 am
     Re: So, ODST, how does it look?Gravemind6/4/15 12:18 pm
     Re: So, ODST, how does it look?uberfoop6/4/15 1:51 pm
           it looks better to me *NM*Bounce-A-Gon6/4/15 2:48 pm
                 Re: Same here.Hyokin6/4/15 8:18 pm
                       Re: Same here.uberfoop6/4/15 8:33 pm
     Re: So, ODST, how does it look?Pkmnrulz2406/4/15 5:34 pm

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