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Re: So, ODST, how does it look?
Date: 6/4/15 12:18 pm
In Response To: So, ODST, how does it look? (scarab)

: I haven't got an xbone yet, nor the MCC so it would be quite an outlay.

: OTOH 1080p ODST may be worth it to me. I'm swithering.

: I think I was waiting to hear what uberfoop thought of it (the visuals).

So far it doesn't look washed out like Halo 3 does. The really dark areas that you almost need your VISR for are still suitably pitch black. The map looks pretty nice too in full HD. However, the cinematics still look kinda sketchy in 60fps like they do in Halo 3. Still, looks good overall. I've only completed a couple of levels so far, though.

Messages In This Thread

So, ODST, how does it look?scarab6/4/15 11:55 am
     Re: So, ODST, how does it look?Gravemind6/4/15 12:18 pm
     Re: So, ODST, how does it look?uberfoop6/4/15 1:51 pm
           it looks better to me *NM*Bounce-A-Gon6/4/15 2:48 pm
                 Re: Same here.Hyokin6/4/15 8:18 pm
                       Re: Same here.uberfoop6/4/15 8:33 pm
     Re: So, ODST, how does it look?Pkmnrulz2406/4/15 5:34 pm

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