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: 3) I am not the man in charge of Customs Night. I appreciate the recognition
: of my effort, but Customs Night is a group effort, as I have said more
: than once before. In fact, Hyokin expressed to me that he even thinks the
: admins (me, him, and ShadowoftheVoid) should not put ourselves above the
: people who show up to almost every outing, and I agree with him to some
: extent.
Eh. Historically, you've put way more visible effort into the whole thing than anyone else that I've seen, making you pretty much the only person of your group that I respect to a degree, so regardless of any formalities, headcanon says you're the guy running the show. Make of that what you will.
: 4) I don't know how much this was an issue for Hyokin but it stands out more
: to me the more I think about it, you phrased your previous post like we
: needed your help and like no one was playing, while responding to my post
: that indicated those things weren't the case-- more players are always
: welcome, as is spreading the word about Customs Night and doing other
: things to get more players, but population has been good lately for the
: most part.
Didn't wish to imply that you needed my help. I just thought it was sad that you were having low turnout, and figured that doing something for the community would remind folks that this community is still a thing. If people gain interest in Customs as a result, that's more power to you guys. No idea why certain folk felt the need to hop on and attack me for no reason, but there you go.
: 5) You were banned from Customs Night, and if I remember correctly you were
: informed of it and the reasons for it at the time. This was, honestly, a
: long time ago. Hyokin and I had a discussion before the last Customs Night
: about that and the other extant ban (on Snipe316, for the record), which I
: thought had both been overturned, but I grudgingly agreed with him that
: they would remain in force.
Honestly I have no idea about any of that, nor do I really care. All of that crap seems like high school drama that should have been outgrown long ago, and all this talk of "bans" and such seems like basement-dwelling wannabe-Dungeon Master crap that nobody older than 15 should be doing, but from what I've been hearing the past couple of days, certain folk seem to be trapped perpetually in that state, which is unfortunate, but as I said, of zero interest to me. This site is for people who want to discuss/play Halo, so that's really all that interests me.
: The reason is simple: you are an asshole. This is not intended as a
: confrontation or an insult, this is a statement of shared opinion.
: One of the few rules we have at Customs Night is "don't be a jerk",
: and you broke it. As far as I'm concerned, you can be a jerk or even an
: asshole and still play, as long as it doesn't show up while you're playing
: or in the lobby, but it did for you at Customs Night. You acted badly on
: many occasions,* and if your on-line behavior (especially here on HBO) is
: anything to go by, you haven't changed. If you do change, I'd be happy to
: have you at Customs Night.
That's all awfully presumptuous, but as I said, that high school crap doesn't interest me, and I'd hope that at least you are mature enough to agree. Outside of Classic Customs, I've had, and still have zero interest in any sort of Custom games in Halo (343 made sure of that), though I've never doubted that I could join on one of your nights if I wished, given that I've assumed that you're a mature individual. And heck, maybe once Halo 5 drops, I may in fact be interested, but if people on this site are being jerks for no reason (especially to folks who are trying to bring a positive attitude to the place), then no wonder a number of regulars stopped attending your events.
: * if I remember correctly, that included but was not limited to: booting
: people without good reason, running intentionally bad games, not passing
: on party lead when asked, being demeaning to other players, and ruining
: games for whichever team you found yourself on; in short, a textbook
: example of the sort of player-- about the only sort of player-- that we
: don't want
Honestly, I have zero idea why any of this is relevant in any way, shape, or form. It has nothing to do with what I'm going to be doing, and (given that I don't recall doing these things) comes off as a simple attack on my character. As Hyokin has already apologized to me above, he at least has acknowledged that all of this is uncalled for. I rarely frequent this site, and haven't given people a reason for these personal attacks. It's not exactly the sort of thing one expects from a so-called "community", and doesn't really help sell your Customs group as an inviting place, which may be why you seem to have an image problem with some folks (though I know Snipe is not losing any sleep over your "ban" either).
tl;dr. Some Community Customs folks may need to grow up a little; you're alienating folks who only mean well.