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Airsoft Halo Assault rifle spotted in wild again.
Date: 5/14/15 10:23 pm


Some of you may recall a year ago, there was an airsoft gun for pre-order that bore a strong resemblance to the Halo AR. Long story short, the company that was going to sell them got hit with a C&D from Microsoft and the item was pulled, money refunded.

It popped up again, this time in the UK, for TWICE the asking price a year ago (Wu, don't know if you can save the link\images before they get pulled, I grabbed one and threw it on my imgur account).

This came to my attention though my Halo Prop-building community, but too late for me to try to buy one.

**100% pure speculation incoming**

My guess is they couldn't sell the original prototypes\production runs in the U.S. so they offloaded them to the U.K. where any legal action would likely be slowed down to the point they could sell them before MS could do anything about it. Or, it could be a new item\different seller completely.

Still wish I could have gotten one! :(

[Admin: here are all the images available on that page:
On the off chance they get wiped. ;) -lwu

Messages In This Thread

Airsoft Halo Assault rifle spotted in wild again.Revenant19885/14/15 10:23 pm
     Video linkRevenant19885/14/15 10:27 pm
           Holy cow, it looks amazing in action *NM*ZackDark5/14/15 10:50 pm
     Want. Need. Must have. *NM*Quirel5/15/15 4:07 pm

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